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Apple Is Rumored to Acquire Sony

Posted By SimplyMax On October 26, 2010 @ 11:42 pm In All,Other,rumors | 1 Comment

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Barron's rumor that Apple may be considering an acquisition of Sony, which appeared last Saturday, has gained more steam. According to Reuters, today the stocks of an electronic giant raised up to 3% at one point.

Analysts are skeptical on whether the rumors may be true as Apple can only execute a hostile takeover which will lower its reputation and lead to negative consequences on the Japanese market.

But the Barron's review was not the only source of the rumors. Recently John Sculley, who is a former Apple CEO, had an interesting interview with Bloomberg, where he said that Steve Jobs was enchanted by Sony, its manufacturing process and products. He also told that Sony is the kind of company that Jobs would want Apple to be like.

"I remember Akio Morita [Sony co-founder] gave us one of the first Sony Walkmans. None of us had ever seen anything like that before, because there had never been a product like that. This was 25 years ago and Steve was fascinated by it. The first thing he did was take it apart, and he looked at every single part. How the fit and finish was done, how it was built."

As you may remember, Apple has $51 billion to use for investments, and Jobs recently told the company is looking to make really big moves in the nearest future. At this moment it has been already rumored that Apple may acquire Sony, Adobe and even Facebook.

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1 Comment To "Apple Is Rumored to Acquire Sony"

#1 Comment By Roberto_Esponja On October 27, 2010 @ 12:45 am

I hope that never happens. Apple is EVIL

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