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Biological father of Steve Jobs Afraids He’ll Never Talk To His Son

Posted By SimplyMax On September 1, 2011 @ 11:07 am In All,Other | No Comments


New York Post [1] and a few arabian sources have been digging up interviews with Steve Jobs’ biological Syrian-born father, Abdulfattah John Jandali, who is an Executive Vice President of a Reno casino, Nevada. John is an 80-year old workaholic, determined to avoid retirement at all costs.

For all his accomplishments, the Syrian immigrant says he is overcoming with guilt over his treatment of 56-years-old Jobs, and, given his son's health woes and decision this week to step down as Apple CEO, fears his time is running out.

"This might sound strange, though, but I am not prepared, even if either of us was on our deathbeds, to pick up the phone to call him. Steve will have to do that, as the Syrian pride in me does not want him ever to think I am after his fortune. Now I just live in hope that, before it is too late, he will reach out to me, because even to have just one coffee with him just once would make me a very happy man” .

Jandali also told the story of Steve Jobs’ birth:

"I was very much in love with Joanne [his ex-wife]. But sadly, her father was a tyrant, and forbade her to marry me, as I was from Syria. And so she told me she wanted to give the baby up for adoption.She did not want to bring shame onto the family and thought this was the best for everyone.”

The end of this pretty emotional story is that the father and the son have never talked, though Jandali has sent Jobs a few emails (and who didn’t?). Jonh is afraid to call Steve. Because of this, he fears they will never communicate.

9to5mac team managed to find John Jandali's photos. They said it was their natural desire to see how this guy looks like. And without trying to offend anyone, below are some more public pictures of Jobs’ biological father that they found on the net. There is definitely a resemblance!

JohnJandali2 [2] JohnJandali4 [3]

JohnJandali3 [4] JohnJandali5 [5]

Article printed from iPhoneRoot.com: https://iphoneroot.com

URL to article: https://iphoneroot.com/biological-father-of-steve-jobs-afraids-he%e2%80%99ll-never-talk-to-his-son/

URLs in this post:

[1] New York Post: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/dad_waits_for_jobs_to_iphone_EwulCL9TDTPWwcaAqvneDP

[2] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/JohnJandali2.png

[3] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/JohnJandali4.png

[4] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/JohnJandali3.png

[5] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/JohnJandali5.png

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