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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Tether Jailbreak iPhone 4 Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 (Mac OS) [iOS 5]
Posted By admin On October 28, 2011 @ 5:33 pm In All,Cydia,Firmware,Software,Tutorial,Unlock & Jailbreak | No Comments
This is step-by-step instructions on how to perform tethered jailbreak of your iPhone 4 on iOS 5 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 for Mac OS X.
Tethered jailbreak means that each time you restart your device you will need to connect it to a computer and run redsn0w.
Note: If you have other device, here are links to our RedSn0w 0.9.9 iOS 5 jailbreak tutorials:
Important: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ [12], if you have other device or firmware and especially if you have questions or troubles.
Important information.
Please think first, before you do something.
If you have iOS 4.3.3 firmware - you can do an untethered jailbreak using one of our tutorials [12].
If you need carrier unlock - do not update to iOS 5 firmware, use RedSn0w or Sn0wBreeze to create a custom firmware to preserve modem version!
Step One
Create a folder on your computer called Pwnage.
Download RedSn0w version 0.9.9b5 or higher from here [13]. Save it in the Pwnage folder.
Extract the redsn0w executable from the RedSn0w zip file into the same folder by double clicking on it.
Step Two
Connect your iPhone 4 to the computer and launch iTunes.
Select your iPhone from the list of devices on the left. Create a backup by right-clicking on iPhone name in Devices (iTunes left pane) and choosing Back Up.
If you are already on iOS 5 you can now skip to step three.
Download iPhone 4 firmware iOS 5 to Pwnage folder. It is better to use Firefox, because some browsers (f.e., Safari) extract ipsw:
For iPhone 4 CDMA everything is the same, but you should download iPhone 4 CDMA firmware:
Open iTunes. Now hold down Option (Mac) or Shift (Windows) key and click the Restore button.
Navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop and select the iOS 5 firmware ipsw. Click the Open button to continue.
iTunes will ask if you want to setup your iPhone as a new device or restore from the backup. Choose Restore from Backup if you want to preserve your contacts and other information.
Step Three
Once iTunes has finished updating your iPhone 4 to the desired firmware open the Pwnage folder on your desktop and launch the redsn0w application from the redsn0w folder we extracted earlier.
Step Four
Once RedSn0w opens click the Jailbreak button
Step Five
Please plug your iPhone 4 into the computer and make sure its OFF then click the Next button
Step Six
RedSn0w will now guide you through the steps to get into DFU mode.
1. Hold down Power button for 3 seconds.
2. Without releasing Power button, hold down both the Home button and the Power button for 10 seconds.
3. Release the Power button and continue holding the Home button until RedSn0w detects the device (~15 seconds).
If you have problems try again.
Step Seven
iPhone 4 will reboot and redsn0w will identify the firmware version.
Step Eight
RedSn0w will now prepare the jailbreak data.
Step Nine
From this window you can select the jailbreak options you would like.
Make sure Cydia is selected.
Click the Next button to continue
Step Ten
RedSn0w will then begin uploading the new RAM Disk and Kernel.
Step Eleven
Once this is complete you will be notified that RedSn0w is done.
When your iPhone finishes rebooting (5 minutes or so) it will be jailbroken with Cydia installed on the SpringBoard.
Once RedSn0w has finished you will need to boot tethered your iPhone 4. You will need to do it everytime you restart.
Rerun RedSn0w and this time select Extras button.
Click Just boot button (the first one).
You will have to put your iPhone 4 into DFU mode (just like on step 5-6):
Please plug your iPhone 4 into the computer and make sure its OFF then click the Next button
1. Hold down Power button for 3 seconds.
2. Without releasing Power button, hold down both the Home button and the Power button for 10 seconds.
3. Release the Power button and continue holding the Home button until RedSn0w detects the device (~15 seconds).
If you have problems try again.
Now your iPhone 4 is jailbroken and working.
Step Thirteen
Run Cydia. Let it do all the necessary updates.
To have access to the root file system of your iPhone (via file managers like iFunBox or iPhone Explorer) install application called afc2add in Cydia.
Step Fourteen
Do not forget to change your default password [25] if you've installed openssh.
Step Fifteen
You can convert tethered jailbreak to a semi-tethered jailbreak using our tutorial from here [26].
Article printed from iPhoneRoot.com: https://iphoneroot.com
URL to article: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-tether-jailbreak-iphone4-redsn0w-099b5-mac-ios5/
URLs in this post:
[1] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/iphone-4-mac.png
[2] iPhone 4: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-tether-jailbreak-iphone4-redsn0w-099b6-windows-ios5/
[3] iPhone 3GS: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-jailbreak-iphone3gs-redsn0w-099b6-windows-ios5/
[4] iPad 1: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-tether-jailbreak-ipad-redsn0w-099b6-windows-ios5/
[5] iPod Touch 3G: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-tether-jailbreak-ipod-touch-3g-redsn0w-099b6-windows-ios5/
[6] iPod Touch 4G: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-tether-jailbreak-ipod-touch-4g-redsn0w-099b6-windows-ios5/
[7] iPhone 4: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-tether-jailbreak-iphone4-redsn0w-099b5-mac-ios5/
[8] iPhone 3GS: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-jailbreak-iphone3gs-redsn0w-099b5-mac-ios5/
[9] iPad 1: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-tether-jailbreak-ipad-redsn0w-099b5-mac-ios5/
[10] iPod Touch 3G: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-tether-jailbreak-ipod-touch-3g-redsn0w-099b5-mac-ios5/
[11] iPod Touch 4G: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-tether-jailbreak-ipod-touch-4g-redsn0w-099b5-mac-ios5/
[12] Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ: https://iphoneroot.com/jailbreak-unlock-tutorials-and-faq/
[13] here: https://iphoneroot.com/utilities/#RedSn0w
[14] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/redsn0w-download1.png
[15] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/itunes-iphone.png
[16] iPhone3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw: http://appldnld.apple.com/iPhone4/041-8358.20111012.FFc34/iPhone3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw
[17] iPhone3,3_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw: http://appldnld.apple.com/iPhone4/041-9743.20111012.vjhfp/iPhone3,3_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw
[18] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/iphone4-firmware-download-mac.png
[19] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/itunes-iphone4.png
[20] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/iphone4-firmware-select-mac.png
[21] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/itunes-new-or-backup.png
[22] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/redsn0w-mac-3.png
[23] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/redsn0w-mac-4.png
[24] Image: https://iphoneroot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/redsn0w-mac-5.png
[25] change your default password: https://iphoneroot.com/secure-your-jailbroken-iphone/
[26] here: https://iphoneroot.com/howto-semi-tethered-jailbreak-ios-5/
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