Archive for June 20th, 2010
512MB RAM update for iPhone 4
Since the first iPhone was launched, Apple has been making efforts to hide from the customers some of the actual technical specs of the device. The company has never advertised, let alone published the amount of RAM or the processor speed of the iPhone. Supposedly, the company doesn’t want to distract the customers with these technical details and just tries to focus on the actual functionality of the device.
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56% of U.S. developers create apps for Apple's iOS
According to Mobile Mix Survey, conducted in May by advertising agency Millennial Media, 56% of all developers in the USA write software for Apple’s mobile platform iOS. This is almost as twice as more than Google’s Android developers. 5% goes to Nokia’s Symbian and 4% of devs work on software for RIM’s BlackBerry OS.
But there are more surprising facts unveiled in the survey.
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