Archive for June, 2010
New iPhone's Display Provoked Hectic Discussions
In previous post we talked about new glass cover on iPhone 4. This time our attention was attracted by its new "Retina" display, which became a target of criticism for different industry watchers and rivals.
This Monday Steve Jobs claimed on his keynote that new iPhone’s display has a resolution higher than "the limit of the human retina", which he specified as 300 ppi for 10-12 inches distance between the phone and user's eyes. But display expert and DisplayMate Technologies president Dr. Raymond Soneira is ensured that the distinguishable resolution of the human retina is actually 477 ppi for 12 inches distance. That means the new iPhone's display may be retina display if only it was created to be held at 18 inches distance from the eye.
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New iPhone's Glass May Not Be So Durable as Declared
Third-party solutions provider iFixYouri somehow obtained a complete iPhone 4 shell without any internal components to test its glass face. After third attempt of dropping the device from 3,5 feet the glass panel was totally shattered as it may be seen on the photo above.
It is interesting that the surface onto which the handset was dropped was not revealed. It is also likely that the device will be more susceptible to damage with internal hardware presence.
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