
Steve Jobs "Extremely Happy" with iTablet


iTablet rumors continue today, with the New York Times blogging that, according to an some Apple employee:

“I can’t really say anything, but, let’s just say Steve [Jobs] is extremely happy with the new tablet.”

Apple has had a tablet in the labs for years, but Steve Jobs and others didn’t see a mainstream market for the device or were not "extremely happy". It looks like now the situation is different.

Moreover, the NYT post adds that former Apple employee has told them:

“You will be very surprised how you interact with the new tablet.”

Anyway we have to wait for another month. Remember? Rumors say iTablet will be announced on January 26th.



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Apple iTablet will be announced on January 26


The Financial Times reports that it has received information that Apple has scheduled a special media event for Tuesday, January 26th in San Francisco. A stage at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco was rented for several days in late January. Apple is expected to make a major product announcement. The topic is unknown. However, everyone is sure that it will be an iTablet!

Want more proof? Recently Apple asked app developers to prepare for a demo scheduled for next month. Notably, Apple has requested that the developers prepare their applications to run in "full screen" mode rather than limiting display to the iPhone and iPod touch's 320 x 480 pixels.

Exact specs of the tablet remain unknown. There are long-standing rumors of a 10" display and recent claims of a 7" display. Apple might make multiple models of the new device.


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Google Phone Specifications Are Now Avaliable

Only a few hours ago we have shown the first video review of the Nexus One (Google Phone). Now we have full specs avaliable. They exceed all expectations:


Take a look at RAM size - it is double than what iPhone 3GS has. Great 5mp camera, wonderful 3.7 "WVGA AMOLED display, miniSD. The device will support many different cellular and wireless standarts. More specs:

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Written by admin

Thursday, December 24th, 2009. 2:57