
Apple named final date for 3G iPad retail launch


As you remember yesterday Apple updated its online store claiming the 3G iPad will be shipped May 7. Well today EnGadget received information from the company that the device will come to American stores on April 30th at 5PM. It is also the day when people who have pre-ordered iPad will get it. So the promised "late April" date is finally confirmed.


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Written by SimplyMax

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010. 20:21

Two new iPhone commercials: "Dog Lover" and "Backpacker"

Apple released new iPhone ads - 'Backpacker' and 'Dog Lover'.

Dog Lover shows you how an iPhone helped a family find, care for and keep an eye on their dog:

You can see Petfinder, Facebook, Hey Walkies and iCam apps used in this ad.

Backpacker follows a traveler exploring Barcelona using his iPhone 3GS to find places to stay, keep in contact with mum back home, and do a little translation now and then:

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Written by admin

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010. 19:13

iPhone 4G is real and Apple wants it back

Yesterday Gizmodo posted photos and videos of iPhone 4G prototype. Apple reaction was simple - Senior VP and General Counsel, Bruce Sewell, wrote to Gizmodo:

It has come to our attention that Gizmodo is currently in possession of a device that belongs to Apple. This letter constitutes a formal request that you return the device to Apple. Please let me know where to pick up the unit.

Well, this sounds like a proof that the lost/stolen iPhone 4G is real. Here is a scan of this letter:

Here is the reply from Gizmodo to Apple:

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Written by admin

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010. 17:18

First video clips with the next iPhone 4G

Here are the first video clips  with prototype of the future iPhone 4G. We still have no proof it is real, so we post as rumors.

The video is interesting, so let's watch:

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iPhone 4G compared to iPhone 3GS (photos)

iPhone 4G prototype might be real. Here are several photos of iPhone 4G and iPhone 3GS together:

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Written by admin

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010. 2:27

Posted in All,Hardware,rumors,