
News tagged ‘photo’

Police investigates the situation with iPhone 4G prototype

Next iPhone

As you remember, some time ago Gizmodo acquired an iPhone 4G prototype for $5,000. The story was pretty mystical - Gray Powell who is (or was?) an Apple employee decided to drink some beer and then lost his iPhone 4G in the pub. Another guy found it and then supposedly tried to bring it back to Apple, but nobody believed it's an iPhone 4G. So he sold it to Gizmodo.

Journalists at Gizmodo were very happy - they made a video of it, took dozens of pictures, disassembled it and again made photos and videos.  Then Apple officially asked Gizmodo to bring it back and they did it.

Well now we have information from the report made by Greg Sandoval at CNET where it is said the police are currenty investigating the circumstances of the story to find the evidence enough to support the criminal prosecution.

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Photos of future iPhone 4G internals


Gizmodo decided to take apart the future iPhone 4G before they will return it to Apple. It is interesting just to see what's inside. And this is one more confirmation that this phone is from Apple. There are three separate places, inside the case, where APPLE is written prominently.

Here is a photo gallery of iPhone's internals:

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Written by admin

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010. 3:27

iPhone 4G is real and Apple wants it back

Yesterday Gizmodo posted photos and videos of iPhone 4G prototype. Apple reaction was simple - Senior VP and General Counsel, Bruce Sewell, wrote to Gizmodo:

It has come to our attention that Gizmodo is currently in possession of a device that belongs to Apple. This letter constitutes a formal request that you return the device to Apple. Please let me know where to pick up the unit.

Well, this sounds like a proof that the lost/stolen iPhone 4G is real. Here is a scan of this letter:

Here is the reply from Gizmodo to Apple:

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Written by admin

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010. 17:18

First video clips with the next iPhone 4G

Here are the first video clips  with prototype of the future iPhone 4G. We still have no proof it is real, so we post as rumors.

The video is interesting, so let's watch:

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Written by admin

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010. 2:41

Posted in All,Hardware,<