
1993 Interview - Steve Jobs About Paul Rand

Paul Rand is not a well-known person, but it was he who created logos for such famous companies like ABC Television, UPS, IBM and NeXT. He didn't actually design any of the logos for Apple, but he was chosen to be portrayed with an Apple logo for a print ad.


Paul Rand

In 1993 Steve Jobs gave an interview to Alan Pottasch and Doug Evans. That was a time when he was a chief executive officer of NeXT and concentrated on porting their NeXTSTEP OS for x86 processors. That year Apple changed the guard from J. Sculley to M. Spindler.

At that interview Jobs spoke much about Rand as of an artist who became a "gem" for the company. He also says:

"When you scratch the surface of any of his work, you find out the depth of the intellectual problem solving that's taken place."

His speech reflects the ideal of current Apple's products. It is not only the hardware design that attracts people, it is also a software and the forseen interaction beneath it.


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Written by SimplyMax

Friday, March 26th, 2010. 22:44

Digg's iPhone App Is Released

Digg1 Digg2

This morning Digg released their official iPhone app. It allows you to browse and interact with the popular news aggregator. You can view the top, recent and upcoming stories in any category; clicking a headline will lead to a built-in browser that will display a requested page. At the bottom of the screen you'll find a buttons to Digg or Bury (like or dislike) the story, Save The Story button (for this you need to be logged in with your Digg account), and an option of sharing the link. The latter is pretty convenient, as you can send the story to the Email, Twitter, Facebook or to the iPhone's clipboard.

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iPhone Browser Testing: Opera Mini vs Safari

A few days ago Opera Mini browser was sent to Apple for the review. While waiting anxiously for the Apple's decision we have found an interesting video from IntoMobile. It compares the speed of Safari and Opera Mini browsers. Which one do you think is faster?

Take a look at the video:


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Written by admin

Friday, March 26th, 2010. 20:57