
Archive for February 23rd, 2009

Wooden Labyrinth 3D Lite [AppStore, Games, Free]


This is a classic Labyrinth, but renovated and equipped with a beautiful 3D graphics, sound effects and excellent quality control using accelerometer. The full version features 100 levels whereas lite only has a single level pack.

Wooden Labyrinth 3D Lite, free, AppStore link

Wooden Labyrinth 3D, $2.99, AppStore link


Here is a video:


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Written by admin

Monday, February 23rd, 2009. 20:31

Abai: free chess game [Cydia]


Abai is a new application that will allow us to play chess for free on our iPhone or iPod Touch. There are some cool features, like flip or movements suggestion. Nice game for chess fans. You can download abai via Cydia (repository BigBoss).



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Written by admin

Monday, February 23rd, 2009. 20:17

XT Snake [AppStore, Games, Free]


Classic game with very good graphics, 28 levels of arcade excitement! The game will be free for 7 days starting from Feb 20. Later it will be $1.99, so we suggest to download now. Here is an AppStore link.

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Written by admin

Monday, February 23rd, 2009. 20:09

Metal Gear Solid Touch Preview [AppStore, Games]

Here are some new screenshots and a nice video trailer of Metal Gear Solid Touch.

Here is the video:

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Written by admin

Monday, February 23rd, 2009. 19:51

Hysteria Project Preview [AppStore, Games]

Here are 3 video trailers of the upcoming game Hysteria Project. The game play is very good, the task is simple enough, to survive!

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Written by admin

Monday, February 23rd, 2009. 19:25

iHome: gestures for iPhone [Cydia]

iHome is a new application that allows us to make the most out of the iPhone and iPod Touch display. It introduces gestures. Let's see how it works:

Application is already avaliable from Cydia.


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Written by admin

Monday, February 23rd, 2009. 19:19

Discover: transfer documents from one device to another via WiFi [Cydia]


Discover is an application that allows you to transfer files and documents from one iPhone to another, or to a computer. It uses WiFi connection on both devices. Might be quite useful.

Avaliable via Cydia for jailbreaked iPhones.

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No Stack app soon [Cydia]


Remember Stack version 2.2 video posted recently? There will be no 2.2. version and current version (2.1) will be removed from the repository quite soon. Why? The developer is angry at hackers, who cracked his apps avaliable in AppStore:

“I have to work extra hard as it is on creating things for the App Store, but when people like paniK go ahead and make my software available to pirates and I watch sales vanish overnight, it means I have to spend much more time on marketing and development for my App Store apps to try and offset my losses, leaving no time for projects like Stack that earn me nothing.”


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Written by admin

Monday, February 23rd, 2009. 19:01