
Archive for November 20th, 2009

Musicbar: tweak to control the music playback via iPhone's StatusBar

Musicbar is a new Tweak from user Gi-Lo that lets you control the music from the StatusBar.

Musicbar-1 Musicbar-2

Operation is very simple: install the tweak via Cydia and run it via a tap on the name of your operator. Now we can control the playback directly from the StatusBar.


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Written by admin

Friday, November 20th, 2009. 1:49

iCarte: the first RFID reader for the iPhone

There were rumors, that iPhone 4G will have integrated RFID chip. The Wireless Dynamics company has already created iCarte, RFID reader accessory for the iPhone and iPod Touch.



With iCarte we can send and receive information via RFID or NFC. This could turn the iPhone into a real electronic wallet. Here are spec details:

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