Yes, DevTeam released new version of their software. First of all, please, do NOT use unofficial software from unknows sites (f.e. We recommend to download from torrent or official mirors.
We regulary publish latets software and firmware links. Use them or the same ones from DevTeam site.
iPhone 3G + NO UNLOCK: If you do not need unlock, you are using your iPhone with one carrier or you hae factory unlcoked iPhone, just restore or upgrade to 2.2.1 using iTunes and use QuickPwn to jailbreak and add Cydia and Installer.
iPhone 3G + UNLOCK: you need to preserve current baseband software. Preserving the baseband will ensure that you can still use “yellowsn0w” the iPhone 3G unlock application. To upgrade your phone to 2.2.1 and preserve the state of the baseband you need to create a custom .ipsw with PwnageTool. This custom .ipsw will not contain the baseband update but of course will still allow all the cool new stuff from 2.2.1. PwnageTool is only available for Mac OS X.
DevTeam updated yellowsn0w to version 0.9.7 to work with modified (!!!) firmware 2.2.1, in which you preserve old baseband from firmware 2.2.
According to a report from ABI Research, Apple’s iPhone now represents 1.1% of the worldwide mobile phone market and grew in dramatically from just 0.3% during 2007. The reports shows that the numbers put Apple on par with HTC and slightly ahead of Sharp.
Nokia leads the market with 38.6% share with Samsung in a distant second with 16.2%. Apple’s closest rival RIM (Research in Motion) is slightly ahead of Apple with 1.9%.
Yesterday we posted first info about iPhone 2,1. PinchMedia follows up with what few details they have about the usage of the device.
- 1st spotting of the "iPhone 2,1" device occured in early October 2008
- Usage picked up in mid-December 2008
- A few dozen distinct "iPhone 2,1" devices have been detected
- Almost exclusively located in south San Francisco Bay Area
- Both AT&T and Wi-Fi connections
PinchMedia provides iPhone developers with ad serving and analytic tracking software to embed within iPhone applications. This is how the the iPhone 2,1 devices have been detected.