
Archive for March 29th, 2009

Apple uses a jailbroken iPhone in patent application

Recently we talked about Apple's second patent about biometric security. The funny thing is that the images used in this patent show a jailbroken firmware 1.x iPhone, with installed Installer.app, SMBPrefs  and the iWood Realize theme from the iSpazio repository. There are also "Terminal", "Game", "VRecord", "Blocks" and others.


You can check yourself here. Here is a screenshot:



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Icy - Cydia replacer?

This is a new product from RipDev Team (the creators of Instealler). Icy works with APT packages, just like Cydia. Packages installed in Cydia will be seen in Ice ands vice versa. You can install Icy via Cydia (repository http://apt.ripdev.com) or via Installer (category System).


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Written by admin

Sunday, March 29th, 2009. 15:55