Archive for November 16th, 2009
New iPhone lockscreen video concept
Walky: robot controlled by the iPhone [Video]
Here's a cute little Walky robot controlled via iPhone. It is able to walk, run, jump and kick a ball.
This video demonstrates that with a proper implementation of controls we can obtain better results with the touchscreen of the iPhone than with a joystick from a PlayStation.
Car Controlling iPhone App: Fake, But Fun Anyway
This iPhone application is not real, but the video is really well done and it's fun to watch.
via gizmodo
iDoor – iPhone Controlled Hydraulic Door
MIT student Chris Varenhorst developed a hydraulic system connected to some electronic components that allow you to open a door with the ability to control it with the iPhone.
The system is very simple, the mechanical part to open the door is connected to a PC with an Ubuntu Linux system from which it receives the commands. Application iDoor connects to a PC via an internet connection and sends the instructions for opening or closing the door.
Here is a video:
HTC Cydget: The HTC clock now on iPhone
HTC Cydget is a nice theme for the lockscreen that can be set by Cydget, the new application from Saurik.
As you can see from the images, this tweak transforms the classic lockscreen to an HTC clock. The app is avaliable via Cydia.
via ispazio
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