Archive for December 14th, 2009
Apple Approves Video Recording App for the iPhone 2G/3G
Apple has approved iVideoCamera, an application which lets you record video on any iPhone including the iPhone 2G and iPhone 3G. Now you don't need a 3GS to record and share videos with your friends and family. Works with firmware 3.1 OS installed and includes:
Ability to save to your camera roll or "Photos" and share via:
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Twitter and more coming soon
- The iPhone can only capture about 3 frames per second
- Videos are limited to about 1 minute in length
- Resolution is low: 160x213
You can purchase iVideoCamera in App Store for $0.99 (
This is a great step forward, because Apple did not allow such apps to be in Appstore before. The quality of the recorded video is quite low, however it might be improved in the future. Could the acceptance of iVideoCamera open the door for Cycorder, popular video recording app that can be installed via Cydia?
Apple started iPhone firmware 3.1.3 and 4.0 testing
TheBoyGenius report that they have found some very interesting data while analyzing the access statistics to their web site:
We can see that this data is related to the new iPhone firmware 3.1.3 and 4.0!
The iPhone OS 3.1.3 should only be a minor update over the current version and could be released even in several days. Firmware 4.0 will probably be released after testing phase and several private beta versions for developers. Rumors say this new version 4.0 will be released together with iPhone 4 some time in June or July next year.