Archive for February 3rd, 2011
iPad 2 Spotted at 'The Daily' News Event
Reuters claims that its “eyewitness” saw yesterday at a press conference to mark the debut of News Corp's Daily online paper (еру first newspaper for the iPad) a working model of the next iPad with a front-facing camera at the top edge of the glass screen. Comically, Reuters tells that in a room full of tech journalists, somebody was apparently playing around on an iPad 2. Reuters says "a source with knowledge of the device" confirmed its existence and that the real iPad 2 will have the camera along with other features.
Verizon iPhone early review roundup
Just after a couple of hours a the launch of the new version of iPhone 4 on the Verizon's web-page the first reviews of the new CDMA iPhone 4 hit the web. We have decided to make a short summary. So, the Verizon iPhone looks, feels, and works just like the AT&T iPhone 4. AT&T can be faster for data and handles simultaneous voice and data, but Verizon sounds better, calls are more crisp and clear, and has more reception in more places. This version of the iPhone 4 seems to have none of the same antenna issues as the AT&T model and provides 4 hour of hotspot connection. The phone connects reliably and consistently. Unfortunately, the Verizon iPhone drops the Internet connection if you're using the Internet and your phone rings.
Despite of all advantages and disadvantage of the new version of the well-known iPhone 4, it is the first time than the iPhone users in the U.S. have a choice of carrier.
Verizon iPhone Available for Pre-Order to Existing Customers
Today Verizon has opened its website for iPhone pre-orders. Though, people on Twitter have reported that the Verizon site had difficulties and crashed, may be because of a high demand. New handset is also available for pre-ordering on Apple’s official page. If you are purchasing from the Apple Store you have to be an existing Verizon user. The Verizon iPhone 4 is being sold for $199 for the 16 GB model and $299 for the 32 GB model and you have to sign up to the two year contract.
iPad 2 display leaked managed to acquire the new iPad 2 LCD display from iPhone repair shop in China. The display is a 9.7-inch display from LG with a 1024 x 768 resolution, the same resolution as the current iPad and is definitely higher quality in terms of its build. The display is also lighter and over a millimeter thinner than the current iPad's display with a smaller surrounding frame, suggesting Apple is looking to shave as much weight off the next iPad as they can for this update.