FixYa, a site that provides troubleshooting tips, today published a "Smartphone Reliability Report", comparing user complaints on Apple’s iPhone, Samsung’s Galaxy, Motorola’s Droid and Nokia’s Lumia.
Based on the reported issues, coming from a database of around 30 million users, FixYa gave a dependability score to each smartphone. According to its rankings, iPhones were the most reliable smartphones with the fewest reported issues.
Joshua Topolsky from The Verge has written a lengthy report about his experiences using on-face computer Google Glass.
Google Glass is a small computer mounting to an eyeglass frame that has a display visible only to the user. The device includes GPS, a built-in camera, which can record what the wearer sees, and Bluetooth and Wi-FI connections. The wearable device can handle many of the tasks performed on smartphones, including sending text messages, showing weather reports, giving driving directions and more.