Archive for October 5th, 2013
Vimeo App for iOS has been Updated
Vimeo App for iOS has been updated recently with a new interface design and a couple of other features. In case you’ve never used Vimeo before, here’s the app description:
iPhone 5c is Getting Cheaper - only $45 now!
MarketWatch says that Walmart will sell the iPhone 5c for $45 on contract and RadioShack will give a $50 gift card to each plastic iPhone buyer. Take a look at the original report below:
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Apple has Acquired Cue Personal Assistant App and Removed it from the App Store
According to the latest TechCrunch report, Apple has acquired the Cue personal assistant app. Numerous users inform that the application is now removed from the App Store, moreover, there’s a short statement on the Cue official website that proves the acquisition:
Apple has Released OS X Mavericks GM to Developers
Apple has released OS X Mavericks Gold Master for developers so that they could test it before its official launch.
The GM release indicates that a Mavericks launch is near, and this build will most likely be what is released to the public (bearing any major bugs).