Archive for January 4th, 2014
"iPad Pro" to be Released in October 2014 - Rumor
Apple is expected to release a 12-13-inch “hybrid” iPad this year and as noted by Patrick Wang of Evercore Partners, this device is sure to change the laptop market. According to analyst’s sources, the iPad with such a large screen is designed specifically for enterprise market.
Digital Music Sales Decreased in 2013
For the first time since iTunes Store launch in 2003, digital music sales have decreased in 2013. Industry analysts say that the reason for such drop in sales is closely connected with streaming music services - Pandora, iTunes Radio and the others. People prefer listening to their favourite tracks and albums online rather than purchasing and downloading them to their devices.
Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 - 6.1.5 Released (Mac/Windows)
As you probably know, a few days ago iH8sn0w, winocm and SquiffyPwn have released an untethered jailbreak for smartphones and tablets running iOS 6.1.3 - 6.1.5 - p0sixspwn. At first it was available only for Mac users, however, things have changed. Yes, you’ve got that right, p0sixspwn (version 1.0.4) for Windows is finally out.
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