Archive for March 2nd, 2014
Top 10 Stories of the Week
It is Sunday today, so looks like it’s time to take a look at this week’s most popular posts. Are you ready? If so, let’s begin.
The story that became the top read this week deals with the next-gen iPhone launch. According to the latest rumors, Apple may unveil its new handset as soon as in July; not in September as was reported earlier.
Apple to Start Charging Users for Out-of-Warranty Chat Support
Apple will soon start charging users for out-of-warranty support. To do that, the company has recently developed a new payment system that allows to send money directly from the support chat. In case you don’t know, previously, all the online support features were available for free for all users worldwide.
Evad3rs Release Evasi0n7 1.0.7 with Fix for Bundled Package List Issue
According to the recent reports, the evad3rs have released an update for their jailbreak utility. The hackers have fixed the problem with bundled package lists that “could not be updated by Cydia”. The update has brought the evasi0n7 tool to version 1.0.7.