Archive for March 9th, 2010
Analysts: Verizon will not affect Apple sales uprise in 2010
Whatever the outcome of Apple negotiations with Verizon will be, estimated sales of iPhones will equal 33 million devices in 2010, analysts say.
Moreover, Scott Craig, the analyst from Merrill Lynch, claims iPhone sales in 2010 won't be affected by the outcome of Apple and Verizon negotiations.
One way or another, Credit Suisse analysts reported of 75% chance of AT&T remaining iPhone exclusivity carrier also for the next year.
O2 Offers Video Calling On iPhone
O2 plans to offer video calls on iPhone, as new generation iPhones will feature a camera for video calling and chatting. And what is more, making a video call will cost the same as traditional voice-only call.
Recent discoveries suggest that the iPad OS (iPhone OS 3.2) also offers the possibility to decline and accept video conferences and maintain video calls.