Archive for December 26th, 2012
In China Number Of 3G Subscribers Grew 88% Year Over Year
This week analyst Brian White from Topeka Capital provided a closer look at the latest statistics on mobile subscribers in China, noting that total number of 3G subscribers in this country reached 222 million last month, up 88% year over year. He also noted that 3G subscriber growth in China Mobile has been slowed because the company does not offer iPhones.
Steve Jobs' "Venus" is no longer impounded
Last Friday, it was noted that the Jobs family's new yacht had been confiscated by the authorities of the Netherlands as a result of the dispute over design payment in favor of the famous French designer Philippe Starck. Stark asserted that he should have received the payment in the amount of 9 million euros for designing yacht, however the Jobs family reported that agreed rate was equal to 6% of the yacht valued in the 105 million euros. Stark said that his fee will be lower by about 3 million euro.