
Archive for April 24th, 2012

Gevey Ultra 5.1 released to unlock GSM iPhone 4, supports iOS 5.1 and 04.12.01 modem


UPDATE: Gevey Ultra 5.1 does not work any more.

Gevey has released the Ultra 5.1 to unlock the GSM iPhone 4 on iOS 5.1. The new version supports the following modem versions: 01.59, 2.10, 3.10.1, 4.10.1, 4.11.08, and 4.12.01.

The new GEVEY Ultra unlocks your GSM iPhone 4 running iOS 5.1 and earlier and now supports modem firmware versions 1.59, 2.10, 3.10.1, 4.10.1, 4.11.08, and 4.12.01. Currently, a tethered Jailbreak is available for iOS 5.1 for iPhone 4, and you will also need to install the latest Furious Mod file for proper operation.

You can purchase the GEVEY Ultra 5.1 for $49.99 here.


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When will we see untethered iOS 5.1 jailbreak

Now we have some estimations regarding the release of the iOS 5.1 untethered jailbreak. Pod2g noted that it is at least a month away.

ETA for 5.1 JB: no clue! We're going to set pieces of the puzzle together this week. We could have issues... Could be 1 month maybe 2...

I know 1 month seems long, but it's short to work on a project like this when it's a hobby and you've other things to do as well.

Last week, pod2g reported that the Chronic Dev-Team has all the exploits required to release an untethered jailbreak of iOS 5.1 for all devices, including iPad 3, iPad 2 and iPhone 4S. However it would take some time to put it together into a useable release.




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