
Archive for January 24th, 2009

Public Radio Tuner [AppStore, Free]

The Public Radio Tuner (appstore link) features hundreds of public radio streams available for free. This tuner has access to more than 200 streams from stations around the country. With this 1.1 update, this version starts up faster, works better over the slower EDGE network, and you can now search for your favorite station by call letters, frequency, city, region or format.


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Written by admin

Saturday, January 24th, 2009. 17:55

Get Emoji Icons for free

First of all these icons can be viewed on any iPhone with 2.2 firmware. But to be able to send these icons users need to perform additional actions. There are 4 ways to turn them on and 2 of them are free:

Solution N1 for $5.99:

In AppStore buy and install Touch Dial Emoji. Goto Settings -> Touch Dial -> Enable Smiley icon ON. Launch Touch Dial. Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> International Keyboards -> Japanese and enable "Emoji."

Solution N2 for $0.99:

In AppStore buy and install FrostyPlace. Play with the app for a minute to activate, click on a story, etc. Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> International Keyboards -> Japanese and enable "Emoji."

Solution N3 for Free:

Jailbreak your iPhone. Run Cydia and install Emoji application (iSpazio repository). Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> International Keyboards -> Japanese and enable "Emoji."

This application adds boolean ‘true’ key KeyboardEmojiEverywhere edits in /User/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Preferences.plist. You can do it manually if you want.

Solution N3 for Free:

Step 1. Download the vcard.vcf here.
Step 2. Import it to your address book program. If you are using Windows, you may want to do it on iPhone directly. Send the vcard.vcf file to yourself. Open in on iPhone’s Email.app, click the vcf file and import all the contacts.
Step 3. Go into “Settings” > “General” > “Keyboard” > “Japanese Keyboard”. Enable the QWERTY keyboard.
Step 4. In notes or any other program you want. Type “emojia”, “emojii” or “emojiu” to select those :) icons.

I like Solution N3. It is free and simple. You do not need to play with contacts and etc. But you need to jailbreak an iPhone.


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hClipboard - one more copy/paste solution [Cydia]

This is one more solution to add copy/paste functionality to iPhone. Couple days ago we wrote about Clippy. This one is called hClipboard. Avaliable via Cydia (bigboss repository) for jailbreaked iPhones.

Here is a quick tutorial how to use it:

After installing just enable it in Settings → General → Keyboard → International.


When the keyboard appears, switch to ℏClipboard by clicking the International button (the Globe) repeatedly. Then hit the Copy button. The entire content of the text field should now appear in the top of the clipboard.

To select portion of a text:

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