
Archive for March 11th, 2009

Clippy updated to version 0.96-1 [Cydia]

Clippy is an iPhone addition from Cydia for copy/paste functionality. It was updated to version 0.96-1. Many issues are resolved and a lot of bugs fixed. Among these are: the ability to copy text from Safari, the ability to copy text from messages or biteSMS and Fix for the Mail application, many different crashes, etc.


  • Press-and-hold on list items to invoke Clippy on static text
  • Press-and-hold on the keyboard's "123" button to invoke Clippy on editable text
  • Tap-pause-and-drag to highlight portions of editable text (except in web pages)

Install from Cydia on a jailbreaked iPhone or iPod Touch.

Here are several photos that show how Clippy works:

img_0154 img_0155

img_0156 img_0157

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Video Preview: A Separate World


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Written by admin

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009. 20:11

iPod Touch 2G: jailbreak


DevTeam has announced that iPod Touch 2G is finally jailbreaked.

The raw patch to the firmware that transforms the “tethered” jailbreak into an untethered one was released here but it’s not yet packaged up into the PwnageTool or QuickPwn flows. But other threads there are pulling together tutorials and other tips for those of you anxious to try this out now.  For the curious, the hole itself is explained here.


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Grab Sudoku [AppStore, Games]


Grab Sudoku is a beautiful application in AppStore (link) for a price of $0.99. With this app you can play and solve sudoku. It allows users to take photos of sudoku grids from newspapers and can automatically convert them to electronic format, offering the opportunity to play on our iPhone.

The characteristics of this application does not end there. You can also hit a "solve" button and get the answer. You can also take pictures of different sudoku, save them and play whenever you want.

gs1 gs2 gs3

The video below gives a quick demonstration:


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Written by admin

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009. 18:47