Archive for July 30th, 2010
iPhone 4 will be used to make porn
Invent the newest gadget and the porn industry will find a way to cash in. Associated Press reports:
When Apple Inc. launched the iPhone 4 and its FaceTime video conference feature, it didn't take long for adult-entertainment companies to develop video-sex chat services and start hiring workers through Craigslist.
On the photograph above, taken July 21, 2010, adult film star Teagan Presley poses with her iPhone 4 in Atlanta. Presley is experimenting with Apple's FaceTime feature.
We all remember how Steve Jobs talked about iPhone's and iPad's "freedom from porn" in email conversation. It looks like in real life FaceTime and new iPhone 4 will push forward porn industry.
iPhone 4 launch in Hong Kong video
This morning Apple starts to sell iPhone 4 in many more countries. Here's a video from the Hong Kong launch:
Apple opens Covent Garden retail store
The latest news from Apple - they plan to open a new retail store in
Macworld's iPhone 4 cover shot with an iPhone 4
The main topic of the new Macworld will be iPhone 4. That's why the image of the new iPhone 4 was photographed and post-processed entirely on another iPhone 4. This was done by Peter Belanger.
Shooting and editing only on the iPhone had its challenges. Normally Peter shoots Macworld covers with a Phase One P65+ digital camera, which offers 12 times the resolution of the iPhone 4’s camera. That meant getting an image as close to the size of the Macworld cover as possible, because any cropping would reduce the resolution of the image even further.
For post-processing Peter used two iPhone apps - PhotoForge ($3) to remove green cast and the Resize-Photo ($1) to increase the resolution from 216 dpi to 290 dpi to meet the printing requirements.