
Archive for January 28th, 2011

Dev-Team is ready to release RedSn0w 0.9.7 with untethered iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak

Good news everyone. DevTeam recently posted a tweet where they inform us that they will soon release a new version of Redsn0w utility for Windows. It will be an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 using the Monte iOS 4.1 technique.

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Video: Macworld Expo 2011 in 60 Seconds

MacLife has posted a video that races you through MacWorld Expo 2011 in 60 seconds. Too fast for me. Take a look:


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Written by admin

Friday, January 28th, 2011. 20:30

Apple Releases iTunes 10.1.2 With CDMA iPhone 4 Support

itunes 10.1.2

Yesterday Apple released iTunes 10.1.2 which provide support for the upcoming Verizon CDMA iPhone 4. The update offers stability and performance improvements.” iTunes 10.1.2 syncs music, movies, and more with iPhone 4 (CDMA model)”, - Apples claimed.

Remind you that the previous iTunes 10.1 came with several new features and improvements, including:

  • Use AirPlay to instantly and wirelessly stream videos from iTunes to the all-new Apple TV.
  • Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.2.

Download iTunes 10.1.2


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Skype 5 for Mac Exits Beta, Group Video Calling Now Premium Feature

skype 5

As reported, Skype 5 has recently exited the beta stage that began in November 2010. Company made some improvements in the program, having reduced the size of the application window.

We've reduced the minimum window size, so that those of you who prefer to keep Skype to one side of your screen, for example, can do that more easily. We've also tightened up the contact list, so that you can see 30% more contacts at once. We've reduced the amount of whitespace in the sidebar too.

Other changes include the return of full-screen mode for video calls and easier access to chatting functions during calls. But the most important change is availability of group video calling to Skype's premium package for $4.99 per day or $8.99 per month. Free during the beta testing period the option was free.

You may download Skype 5 from here


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, January 28th, 2011. 15:56