Archive for April 16th, 2011
Untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.2 will be available soon
I0n1c has confirmed that his untethered jailbreak exploit is still working for iOS 4.3.2. This is good news for all jailbreakers.
Here are his recent tweets:
Apple has been nice. I just verified that the untether vulnerability is not fixed in iOS 4.3.2 - my Ipad 1 is running untethered jailbroken
Of course the public untether binaries will not work with iOS 4.3.2 - I have to generate new untether binaries with new dyld/kernel offsets
I won't be able to create all the untether binaries before sunday, because I will be on planes, ...
The dev-team cannot produce the untether binaries on their own, because they don't have the source code to the untether exploit.
Well from what I hear lots of the problems people had with 4.3.1 (like wifi, 3g, ...) are gone in 4.3.2
The new version of iOS 4.3.2 jailbreak tools RedSn0w and PwnageTool will be released by the iPhone Dev-Team quite soon.