Archive for December 23rd, 2012
Users complain of the rapid consumption of the battery after upgrading to iOS 6.0.2
The recently released update of IOS 6.0.2 for the iPhone 5 and IPad mini, could solve some of the issues associated with Wi-Fi, but some users say that the software reduced battery life.
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Steve Jobs's yacht is confiscated on the case of payment of 3.6 million dollars over design notices in articles of the Dutch mass-media that Steve Jobs's yacht "Venus" started couple of months back, has been confiscated by the authorities because of dispute over a payment for the design executed by well-known French designer Philippe Starck.
Redesigned iOS App Switcher Will Soon Come To Cydia
Apple has given little attention to updating the app switcher in its iOS since its introduction in iOS 4, so interface designer @Sentry_NC has tried his hand at developing a new concept for fast app switching in iOS.
In October, he introduced a mockup of iOS app switcher on