Archive for February 10th, 2014
Flappy Bird is not available on App Store
The currently most popular App Store game Flappy Bird was removed by its developer Dong Nguyen. The latter informed the users about his decision 22 hours before he removed the app.
No information concerning the reasons, but that "It is not anything related to legal issues. I [Dong Nguen] just cannot keep it anymore."
The users are expecting the top-charter game to be returned to App Store, while you can still enjoy other Nguyen games, 'Super Ball Juggling' and 'Shuriken Block'.
Apple Adds New Channel to Apple TV to Commemorate 50th Anniversary of The Beatles' Debut in America
The company from Cupertino has added a new channel to its Apple TV set-top box to commemorate the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ American debut. Good news for all the fans, don’t you think so?
New iPhone 6 Concept Video Appears on YouTube
Another iPhone 6 concept appeared on the Internet. On the video below, you can take a look at what seems to be incredibly similar to the next-generation Apple’s smartphone.