
News tagged ‘EDGE’

More IPhone 3G internals photos

Portelligent and Semiconductor Insights published a document describing interals of IPhone 3G. Techonline described the details. (Previous IPhone 3G internals photos can be viewed here)

Commuunications (3G/GSM) are on Infineon chips. One for GSM/GPRS/EDGE, another for WCDMA/HSDPA (3G). GPS module is not SiRF as we all thought. Apple uses PMB 2525 Hammerhead II. The Hammerhead II integrates an assisted-GPS (A-GPS) baseband processor with a low-noise GPS RF front end and multi-path mitigation to avoid large errors in urban environments.

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JavaOne 2008 and IPhone-related sessions

JavaOne 2008

JavaOne is one of the most interesting events in IT industry. We are expecting a lot of talks about Java and other technologies. One IPhone+Java - related talk was already mentioned at Java4IPhone.com (link). There are couple more of them.

  • How to Port phoneME™ Advanced Software to Google Android, iPhone, OpenMoko, LiMO, and MoreHinkmond Wong (Sun Microsystems)

    May 07, 14:50 - 15:50

  • Dancing Duke on Your PlayStation Portable: Porting phoneME™ Software to PlayStation Portable Max Mu (Sun Microsystems); Kuo Wang (iaSolution Technology Limited)

    May 08,19:30 - 20:20

  • Extending Swing to Run Multitouch Applications (Multitouch Software)Michael Riecken (Trissential, LLC)

    May 09,16:10 - 17:10

Sessioin details:

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