
News tagged ‘pod2g’

Jailbreak and Unlock for iOS 4.1 is possible

According to the latest tweets from different hackers (MuscleNerd, pod2g and others) the exploit for iOS 4.1 has been already discovered:

Works on 4.1 (!) iBSS iv=c2c5416472e5a0d6f0a25a123d5a2b1c key=1fbc7dcafaec21a150a51eb0eb99367550e24a077b128831b28c065e61f894a0

I just successfully updated to 4.1 without a baseband update. PLEASE wait for 4.1.0 TinyUmbrella!!!

Crazy timing that @pod2g got latest exploit just as 4.1 went public (lots of work left...keep away from 4.1 for now!)

congrats to @pod2g for the latest exploit and also @p0sixninja who have been trying for months.

This means that the jailbreak and unlock for iPhone and iPod Touch is possible. However please be patient and wait for the utilities.


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RedSn0w is able to jailbreak iOS 4.1 beta 2

MuscleNerd tweeted today that the recent redsn0w utility is able to jailbreak the iOS 4.1 beta2 on iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G. This is useful for developers only, however good news for everyone.

Here's some info from the DevTeam wiki page:

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