
Archive for March 13th, 2010

Cloud Storage Services Come to iPhone

SMEStorage1SMEStorage 2

iSMEStorage is the first application for iPhone with cloud storage virtualization service that allows users to manage more than 10 different storage clouds from their device in 1 Cloud file. Clouds include Google Docs, FTP-as-a-cloud, Email-as-a-cloud, Gmail-as-a-cloud, Miscrosoft SkyDrive and LiveMesh, Apple Mobile Me and Amazon S3 and other.

SMEStorage CEO says:

"We are very happy to add the iPhone to the list of clients that users can use to get access to their files from our platform... It is the first [application] to virtualize storage clouds and make them available from one Cloud File System, and it is the first App of any kind in the App Store that enables access to Microsoft SkyDrive files."

iSMEStorage v1.01 is available here in the Productivity Category from the AppStore only for 0.99$.


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Written by SimplyMax

Saturday, March 13th, 2010. 4:25

Apple Sold 91,000 iPads for 6 Hours


Members of AAPL Sanity Board at Investor Village resource decided to study the iPad order numbers. By 11:05am EST they received fifteen confirmations about 74,000 orders (the device went up for pre-order at 08:30 am EST).

But there were other who became interested in the dynamics of iPad sells. Valcent Financial Group says about 51,000 orders in 2 hours, Silicon Alley Insider reports about 20,000 devices reserved per hour.

Fortune predicts Apple may have only 300,000 iPads available for sale right now. It also reports 91,000 devices were sold in six hours since 08:30 am.


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Written by SimplyMax

Saturday, March 13th, 2010. 3:09

New App Found in iPad

Mysterious Icon App

Today Apple announced new photos of iPad. One screenshot is very interesting as it contains mysterious icon on the home screen. It is situated on the right of the device and appears only in the one picture on site.

As you can see it looks like the logo of National Geographic, so we can assume the icon is for a digital version of this magazine.


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Written by SimplyMax

Saturday, March 13th, 2010. 2:14