
Archive for November 25th, 2010

Acer revealed its plans on competing with Apple on tablets market

acer future tablet

This week Acer revealed that it's going to ship two Android-based tablets in April 2011, and one Windows 7 tablet in February 2011.

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HowTo bring the screen lock switch back to iPad iOS 4.2


In iPad OS 4.2 'Orientation Lock' was changed to 'Mute Switch'. If you want to change it back there is an app for that.

NoMute, a jailbreak only application, switches the controversial mute switch from iPad 4.2 into its former (and more useful) orientation lock. The plugin is free and you can get it from the BigBoss repository on Cydia.


By the way you can lock screen orientation without jailbreaking through multitasking panel - just push Home button twice, slide to the left and hit lock icon.


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Another NPD fact sheet: almost every Mac user has also a Windows PC

These days NPD issued another "fact sheet" for the holiday consumer electronics buying season, which has some interesting facts on Apple's devices. Here are they:

  • Last quarter became the most successful for iPad, as Apple reach a record figure of 4.19 million units sold over this three-month period.
  • Those, who already bought an iPad at least two months ago, are using it 18 hours per week on the average.
  • 58% of all the iPad buyers have Wi-Fi model, other 42% chose to purchase 3G-enabled model.

  • Read the rest of this entry »


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Written by SimplyMax

Thursday, November 25th, 2010. 0:20