Archive for August 18th, 2011
Apple Is A Top Performer In Mobile PC Market
Today analytics firm
Apple Cut Prices For Touch Panels By Nearly 50 Percent
As DigiTimes
Apple Filed A Patent About Maps Services With Augmented Reality
For long Apple has been actively working on creation of its own map service – we repeatedly heard that Apple hired leading specialists in that field and acquired companies developing such services: in 2009 and 2010 Apple bought well-known companies in this field Placebase and Poly 9. In addition, Apple has actively recruited specialists in its “Geo Team”, who could take their Maps app to the higher level.
AT&T Will Start Offering LTE Devices On August 21
This week AT&T has
AT&T has also told about its plans to sell 4G LTE using five market places later this summer, which are situated in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. All customers with 4G LTE-consistent devices will have access to 4G LTE speeds as AT&T's 4G LTE service will be already available.
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iOS 5 Beta 6 May Be Released Today
While many of the iOS developers are currently playing around with iOS 5 beta 5 it looks like we may expect 6th beta... today!
Last week found that one of the files of iOS 5 beta 5 had been remotely updated by Apple. After the release of iOS 5 beta 5 the update file was created on “2011-08-17”, but now it shows the date of “2011-08-18” which means Apple has postponed the update date by a day.
Though it can be considered as an iTunes’ check for update date, there are many chances this is a date for a new iOS 5 update, since the iOS 5 updates come fortnightly.
22 fake Apple stores were discovered in China
Recently Apple had investigated retail stores in the southwestern Chinese city of Kumming and
The investigation began after one local American reported on fake Apple Stores in his blog, adding that they all looked very convincing and even stores personnel believed they have been working for Apple.
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