
News tagged ‘Apple iPhone’

Time lapse photography [AppStore]

TimeLapse ($0.99, App Store link) uses your iPhone's camera to take photos at regular intervals. You can have one photo snapped as infrequently as every 24 hours, or as often as every 10 seconds. After you've collected all of your photos, you can easily dump them into iMovie or QuickTime Pro and make a simple time lapse movie.

via tuaw


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Written by admin

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009. 21:42

iSutra for Free [Cydia]

Apple rejected iPhone application called iSutra. So it is avaliable via Cydia for jailbreaked iPhones for FREE.


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ReflectiveDock [Cydia]

ReflectiveDock is updated to version 1.4 ReflectiveDock is an extention to Winterboard, that makes dock look reflective:

Avaliable via Cydia (ModMyi repository) for jailbreaked iPhones.


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Patent: VideoChat for iPhone

Since the iPhone's launch, the lack of video capabilities on the handset has been a major complaint among customers.The patent, that Apple was given several days ago, shows company's plans to introduce video conferencing to future generations of the popular handset. Apple devotes a paragraph to explaining how video conferencing would work. Lens that can be rotated backward or forward, coupled with the touchscreen as a viewfinder.

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Written by admin

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009. 1:51

RSS Player (PodCaster) FREE Today Only [AppStore, Free]

This si a nice application! It was named PodCaster, but didn't make it to AppStore (rejected by Apple). Now it is called RSS Player. Regular price is $1.99, and today it is free. Here is a link to AppStore.


  • specifically designed to play audio files attached to rss feeds.
  • stream audio to device
  • download audio and listen when offline
  • remembers play position after interruption like a phone call or alarm
  • pause/restart controls
  • check for new feed items on demand
  • automatic downloading of feed attachments
  • supports password-protected feeds


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Written by admin

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009. 0:04

T9 for iPhone [Cydia]

Why would you need T9 on iPhone? Well if you still want it, it will be avaliable in Cydia soon.

Just in case you want it so much, that you cannot wait:

  1. Download it ispmultitap.deb
  2. Upload to iPhone (via iFunBox for example) to /private/var/mobile
  3. Run MobileTerminal and type:
    su root
    dpkg -i ispmultitap.deb
  4. Enable T9 in keyboard settings.

via iSpazio


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Written by admin

Monday, February 2nd, 2009. 17:41

Crackulous [Cydia]

Crackulous is an application that cracks AppStore apps. It is avaliable through Cydia for jailbreaked iPhones. Repository is http://irooter.ru

We have not tried it yet. So use it at your own risk.

via hackulo.us


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Written by admin

Monday, February 2nd, 2009. 17:34

Apple and Adobe collaborate on Flash for iPhone

Bloomberg reports that Adobe's Chief Executive Officer Shantanu Narayen has revealed that Adobe with Apple on bringing Flash support to the iPhone:

It's a hard technical challenge, and that's part of the reason Apple and Adobe are collaborating, Narayen said today in a Bloomberg Television interview from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The ball is in our court. The onus is on us to deliver.

Flash is a very popular web plug-in that is used to deliver animation and video content on the web. Apple's iPhone has notably not supported Flash since its launch.

The surprising part there is the admission that Apple is working with Adobe on the project.

via macrumors


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Written by admin

Sunday, February 1st, 2009. 17:00

Saved from a ticket by an iPhone

TUAW reader Paul tells a nice story, how his iPhone helped him to avoid getting the ticket. He was driving on a Midwestern road covered with blowing snow. He slowed down for a car stopped on the side of the road, but the car behind him hit his rear bumper, doing damage to both cars.

The officer who arrived to investigate asked Paul for his insurance card. Of course, that was when Paul realized it had expired the month before, and he didn't have the latest card in his wallet. The officer said it would be $200 for not being able to prove insurance coverage, and since Paul didn't have the cash it meant putting his license up for bond.

While the officer was doing the paperwork, Paul used his iPhone to log into his Geico Insurance account via the web. He was able to request a PDF copy of his card, which was emailed to his iPhone; then he displayed it to the officer. Happily, the deputy accepted the card as proof of insurance and did not issue the citation.

Most police agencies wouldn't be so open to the idea of looking at a downloaded document, but in this case, at least, it is yet another reason to love the iPhone.

via tuaw


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Written by admin

Sunday, February 1st, 2009. 15:27

Falling Balls [AppStore, Free]

This game made it to Top 3 in US AppStore. Very nice.

This game is free. Here is a link to AppStore.

Watch the video:

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Springboard rotation

This application will rotate Springboard according to iPhones accelerometer data. Will be avaliable quite soon.


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Written by admin

Saturday, January 31st, 2009. 23:54

Bikini Blast [AppStore, Free]

This app is free through 1/31/09.

Bikini Blast gives you a great selection of sizzling bikini wallpaper for your iPhone, with new photos added daily. Categories include: Beach Babes, Blonde Bombshells, Beautiful Brunettes, Ravishing Redheads, Girl Next Door, Lovely Latinas, Hot Moms, Adult Swim, Thongs, Hot Rod Hotties and Exotic Beauties. Just for fun, we've even added some sexy lingerie photos in our new Pajama Party category.

Download as many photos as you want, set them as your wallpaper and even send them to your friends.

Here is AppStore link.

More photos:

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Written by admin

Saturday, January 31st, 2009. 23:48

Users prefer Wi-Fi over 3G

According to the report of Devicescape, Wi-Fi applications developer, smartphone users prefer to use Wi-Fi rather than 3G.

During the servey 81% users would like to connect to Wi-Fi for internet browsing and email sending. About 86% said that Wi-Fi modules in phones are necessary. 82% would like to have special tariffs for 3G/Wi-Fi.

About 84% of people would like to see Wi-Fi spots everywhere. 56% of them are ready to pay for Wi-Fi service.

via 3dnews


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Written by admin

Saturday, January 31st, 2009. 19:21

QuickPwn for Windows is updated to 2.2.5-2

DevTeam quickly updated QuickPwn for Windows to version 2.2.5-2. Download it in utilities section.


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Written by admin

Saturday, January 31st, 2009. 3:35

Firmware 2.2.1 is officially hacked

Yes, DevTeam released new version of their software. First of all, please, do NOT use unofficial software from unknows sites (f.e. quickpwm.com). We recommend to download from torrent or official mirors.

We regulary publish latets software and firmware links. Use them or the same ones from DevTeam site.


  • iPhone 2G and iPod Touch: update to 2.2.1 with iTunes and run QuickPwn to jailbreak, activate and unlock you device.
  • iPod Touch 2G: sorry, you need to wait a bit more
  • iPhone 3G + NO UNLOCK: If you do not need unlock, you are using your iPhone with one carrier or you hae factory unlcoked iPhone, just restore or upgrade to 2.2.1 using iTunes and use QuickPwn to jailbreak and add Cydia and Installer.
  • iPhone 3G + UNLOCK: you need to preserve current baseband software. Preserving the baseband will ensure that you can still use “yellowsn0w” the iPhone 3G unlock application. To upgrade your phone to 2.2.1 and preserve the state of the baseband you need to create a custom .ipsw with PwnageTool. This custom .ipsw will not contain the baseband update but of course will still allow all the cool new stuff from 2.2.1. PwnageTool is only available for Mac OS X.

DevTeam updated yellowsn0w to version 0.9.7 to work with modified (!!!) firmware 2.2.1, in which you preserve old baseband from firmware 2.2.


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