News tagged ‘Cydia Store’
SmartScreen: Lockscreen Widgets on the iPhone [Cydia, Video]
Today MediaPhone announced ‘SmartScreen’ an application for the iPhone and iPod touch that will allow informational widgets to be placed and used on the lock screen. The widgets can be rearranged on the lock screen by using a ‘tap and hold to move’ action that is often used by to iPhone users (when moving icons around the home screen).
It will be avaliable soon in Cydia Store (for money).
via devteam
Cydia Store - how to purchase apps
The CydiaStore is open for business. Below you can find purchase process so you can see how it works.
Cydia store packages are going to be in blue writing. when you click on one, your install button says “purchase” instead of “install”.
The Cydia store uses two layers of authentication: 1) Authentication 2) Payment. Currently, amazon is used for payments and you can use either facebook or google for authentication. If you have an existing amazon account, facebook account, or google account, this is easy.
You can choose to have this automatically remembered so you don’t have to go through these steps again if you want. Also you now need to link the device you’re using to your account:
After this is done, you now need to setup payment. There are steps to take on teh very first time, but if you allow it to be kept, it will be remembered for the second purchase. Note you can also set pay limit for one-click installs without having to reenter a password in the future:
After, sign in with your Amazon password and finish checkout:
After this, you hit the “close” button and wait. It took about 20 seconds for me. Now the package shows that it’s purchased and ready for download:
After this, updates and such are treated normally. If you selected the correct options, it will be very easy to purchase the next item.
UPDATE: you can use paypal now
via thebigboss
Cydia Store announced
Saurik annound today the new Cydia Store at the 360|iDev Event. Here is an email from him:
"The cydia store was officially announced today: should be out Friday and will have one simple package available, followed by more over the next few weeks."
This Store will provide an easier way to download paid apps already avaiable in Cydia at this moment (iPhone video recorder, SwirlyMMS, QuickSMS, iRealSMS etc).
Cydia Store is comming
A new version of Cydia is comming soon. Here are couple words from the Saurik's letter:
"Cydia store is soon. There will be a release this week with “other stuff” (minor stuff) in it."
The first thing is the name "Cydia Store". So far it is called "Cydia Installer". This could mean that the change concerns the addition of new sections in which the applications will be placed on payment. There will be an implementation of a new system of voting and feedback, similar to th eone in AppStore.
via spazio