
News tagged ‘screen’

Create ringtones using iTunes (video)


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Written by admin

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008. 15:02

"Fieldrunners" Tower Defense iPhone Game

It is avaliable via AppStore (link). The game costs $4.99.


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Written by admin

Monday, October 6th, 2008. 23:49


iPhone-Backgrounder (available for jailbroken iPhones via Cydia Installer) brings another much-desired functionality that Apple's not allowing for legit apps—the ability to run in the background.

This is very usefull for iPhone applications like Skype (Fring), MobileChat, IM+, and many others.

To enable backgrounding for the currently-running instance of an application, press and hold the menu/home button until a message pops-up stating "Backgrounding Enabled". Note that only the current instance will be affected; if the application is terminated and relaunched, the new instance will not have backgrounding enabled.

To properly terminate an application instance that has backgrounding enabled, press and hold the menu/home button until a message pops-up stating "Backgrounding Disabled".


  • Application immediately quits when holding menu/home button:

    One possible cause is having the Intelliscreen application installed with the "App Launch Boost" option enabled. This option can be disabled in Intelliscreen settings on the "Performance" page.

  • Application "XXX" runs fine in the background for a while, then suddenly quits:

    This is most likely due to the device being low on available application memory (RAM, not disk space). This can be caused by either having too many applications running at the same time, or by using applications that require a lot of resources. Unfortunately there is no fix for this issue, other than to avoid having too many backgrounded applications.


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This application is for manipulating different pictures (move, scale, rotate).

AppStore link. Costs $0.99.


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Written by admin

Monday, October 6th, 2008. 18:07

Stuntbike - Elastomania for iPhone

This nice game will appear very soon in AppStore. Price will around $1.

PS: Looks very similar to popular game Elastomania :)


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Written by admin

Saturday, October 4th, 2008. 0:24

First official iPhone 3G sold in Russia

This video is from Vladivostok, a big city in the east part of Russia. It is October 3rd there already. In Moscow and St.-Petersburg the sales will start in about 3.5 hours.

Update: the price was 33000 RUB, which is $1278 for an unlocked 16Gb iPhone.


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One more self-made iPhone/iPod dock

Yesterday we wrote about iPhone paper clip stand.

This idea of self-made dock is quite popular. Now what you need are notebook clips :)


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Written by admin

Thursday, October 2nd, 2008. 20:14

Kroll game

Nice game. Avaliable for $7.99 via AppStore (link).


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Written by admin

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008. 20:11

iPhone paper clip stand

Here is a nice and cheap self-made stand for iPhone. Watch the video:

Want to create one? Here are the instructions:

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Written by admin

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008. 20:04

Connect desktop or notebook to internet through iPhone 3G

Many iPhone 3G users would like to use internet on a desktop or notebook through their phone. There were several solutions: iPhoneModem, NetShare, 3Proxy.. they all used SSH and SOCKS proxy. One of the working ones was described here get internet on a desktop or notebook through IPhone 3G.

Couple days ago PdaNet (fullname is PdaNet WiFi Router) was ported to iPhone. Now our life is much much easier.

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Jailbreak on firmware 2.2 beta 1

Firmware 2.2 beta 1 appeared just a day ago. It seems that DevTeam never sleeps :) They published a screenshot of jailbreaked iPhone 2G with this new firmware:

It runs Terminal.app (non-apple application) running on 2.2b1 firmware. Thay say that version 2.2 is still vulnerable to pwnage and quickpwn on everything but iPod Touch 2G.

No news about software unlock for iPhone 3G or jailbreak for iPod Touch 2G.


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Firmware 2.2 - new Safari interface

Apple just published firmware 2.2 beta 1 for developers. It is accompanied by a new beta of the iPhone SDK (build 9M2611). There are not much news about new features and improvements... but iphoneatlas already published a screenshot of new Safari interface, that is in firmware 2.2:

The new MobileSafari doesn't have the magnifying glass and refresh buttons at the top of the screen. There are the URL bar and search fields side-by-side instead. It looks much like the desktop version. Page refreshes are now accomplished via a tiny icon located inside the URL bar.

via iphoneatlas


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Written by admin

Friday, September 26th, 2008. 2:27

T-Mobile G1 vs AT&T Apple iPhone


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Written by admin

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008. 23:08

iPhone’s security issue: fix it

You probably know about latest iPhone’s security issue. The good news is that there is a solution to fix it.

Jonathan Zdziarski has deviced a way to disable this writing to disk, so that screenshots cannot be recovered. On a jailbroken iPhone, you can disable these screenshots with the following commands in MobileTerminal or through SSH connection to iPhone:

# rm -rf /var/mobile/Library/Caches/Snapshots

# ln -s /dev/null /var/mobile/Library/Caches/Snapshots

Screenshots themselves actually get written to /var/mobile/Library/Caches/Snapshots. So these commands delete this folder and symlink it to /dev/null, so the screenshots don’t get written to disk.

The side effect to this is that when resuming an application, you’ll get the default screen in the zoom-in effect. Once the application resumes, however, you’ll have your application screen back. For example, your mail application will always zoom to the front as if you had an empty inbox, but will quickly correct itself once the application resumes.

“To return to the default behavior, just delete the symlink and the directory will get recreated. Mind you, this has no effect on the many other pieces of data stored on the iPhone, and therefore your iPhone will always be at risk for leaking private data, especially to seasoned forensic examiners. Use at your own risk.”

via iphoneatlas


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Written by admin

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008. 0:00

Skype for iPhone soon?

Here is an GigaOm interview, where CEO of Skype, Josh Silverman, speaks about Skype for iPhone :-) He didn't tell when, but it looks like he said yes.


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Written by admin

Thursday, September 18th, 2008. 22:37