Archive for 2009
iPhone OS 3.0: messages [screenshots]
One cool feature of Apple's new MMS "Messages" app is the ability to send messages in the background, which lets you type out your second message while you're waiting for the first to send. It's quite helpful when sending very large media messages:
via appleinsider
iPhone OS 3.0: copy/paste [screenshots]
Copy and paste in iPhone OS 3.0 works across all applications. Let's take a look at some screenshots to see how it really looks like.
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iPhone OS 3.0 peer-to-peer [Video]
Spotlight: search for iPhone OS 3.0 [Video]
Sportlight allows users to search for special email message, app, contact, notes, music and other data.
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Text and Images Copy/Paste in iPhone OS 3.0 [Video]
Scott Forstall, Apple's senior vice president, demonstrates text and images copy/paste functionality in future iPhone OS 3.0.
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Video of iPhone OS 3.0 Preview Event
Developing iPhone Applications using Java [Video]
Here is a video from googletalks, where Arno Puder speaks about using Java for developing iPhone apps.
Two thirds iPhones have latest 2.2.1 firmware
The data, covering one week and provided by Headlight Software, showed no one on 1.x, less than 2% total on 2.0.x, less than 7% on 2.1.x, 26.61% on 2.2, and a whopping 65.49% on the current firmware, 2.2.1 released January 27.
So two-thirds on the latest/greatest firmware, just over a quarter on the previous release. This meants iPhone users try to keep their firmware up to date.
via theiphoneblog
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iPhone OS 3.0 rumors by Kevin Rose
Kevin Rose, the founder of Digg, shared his thoiughts about upcoming iPhone OS 3.0. The breakdown of unconfirmed rumors:
- cut and paste in 3.0
- no video recording
- no MMS
- no multitasking
- all Palm Pre functionaliity will be added (contradics with previous statement)
The cut and paste functionality will be:
- Users magnify or double tap a word to bring up cut and paste
- Pinch "boundaries" to select word(s); Rose called them "copy boundaries"
- Then you get option to cut, paste or copy
Watch the video:
Blackberry vs Apple video: part 2, Apple wins
Do you remember this video: Blackberry vs Apple. Here is an answer to that, where Apple smash blackberry:
iPhone OS 3.0 is coming
Engadget has just posted:
"We just got the announcement, iPhone OS 3.0 is coming. Set your clocks, mark your calendars. It's going down March 17th. Apparently, we'll get a sneak peak at the new OS, as well as a look at a brand new version of the SDK."
The event will take place at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time on Tuesday March 17th in the intimate setting of the Apple Town Hall.
Google: New Image Search for iPhone
Today Google launched a new Image Search results page for iPhone, iPod touch and Android in the US, the UK and Japan.
With the new Image Search results, you can easily scan up to 20 images on a single results page and get the details for images that interest you. From the details page, you can view a larger thumbnail, visit the web page containing the image, or view the image by itself in full size. The new results page also supports "search-by-style" filters, which allow you to restrict your search results to people's faces, clip art, line drawings, or photo content.
To try it yourself, go to
iTunes 8.1 released
You can update via software update in iTunes or just download it
Here is the read me information:
iTunes 8.1 is now faster and more responsive. You will enjoy noticeable improvements when working with large libraries, browsing the iTunes Store, preparing to sync with iPod or iPhone, and optimizing photos for syncing.
In addition, iTunes 8.1 provides many other improvements and bug fixes, including:
- Supports syncing with iPod shuffle (3rd generation)
- Allows friends to request songs for iTunes DJ
- Adds Genius sidebar for your Movies and TV Shows
- Improves performance when downloading iTunes Plus songs
- Provides AutoFill for manually managed iPods
- Allows CDs to be imported at the same sound quality as iTunes Plus
- Includes many accessibility improvements
- Allows iTunes U and the iTunes Store to be disabled separately using Parental Controls
iBluetooth released: file transfer via bluetooth for iPhone [Cydia]
iBluetooth, the world first application that enables the file transfer via Bluetooth on your iPhone, is finally here! You can install it from Cydia (iSpazio Repository).
Clippy updated to version 0.96-1 [Cydia]
Clippy is an iPhone addition from Cydia for copy/paste functionality. It was updated to version 0.96-1. Many issues are resolved and a lot of bugs fixed. Among these are: the ability to copy text from Safari, the ability to copy text from messages or biteSMS and Fix for the Mail application, many different crashes, etc.
- Press-and-hold on list items to invoke Clippy on static text
- Press-and-hold on the keyboard's "123" button to invoke Clippy on editable text
- Tap-pause-and-drag to highlight portions of editable text (except in web pages)
Install from Cydia on a jailbreaked iPhone or iPod Touch.
Here are several photos that show how Clippy works: