News tagged ‘Official’
Apple 2010 Q3 financial results: All time record revenue
Apple just released its third quarter earnings. Here is a quick summary:
- Revenue: $15.7 Billion (record)
- Profit: $3.25 billion ($3.51/share)
- Margin: 39.1% (vs 40.9% last year)
International sales accounted for 52% of revenue
- Macs: 3.47 million
- iPods: 9.41 million
- iPhones: 8.4 million
- iPads: 3.27 million
Here is the official press release:
RIM: Apple's Explanation Of The Antenna Issue Is Unacceptable
Research in Motion's Chief Executive Officers Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie have released an official statement on the Apple's latest press conference, where the company showed the antenna issue on BlackBerry 9700 to prove that such a problem a normal thing for every smartphone. Both of the directors were stunned that Apple mentioned RIM in order to justify their mistake:
"Apple's attempt to draw RIM into Apple's self-made debacle is unacceptable. Apple's claims about RIM products appear to be deliberate attempts to distort the public's understanding of an antenna design issue and to deflect attention from Apple's difficult situation. RIM is a global leader in antenna design and has been successfully designing industry-leading wireless data products with efficient and effective radio performance for over 20 years. During that time, RIM has avoided designs like the one Apple used in the iPhone 4 and instead has used innovative designs which reduce the risk for dropped calls, especially in areas of lower coverage. One thing is for certain, RIM's customers don't need to use a case for their BlackBerry smartphone to maintain proper connectivity. Apple clearly made certain design decisions and it should take responsibility for these decisions rather than trying to draw RIM and others into a situation that relates specifically to Apple."
Apple releases new firmwares: iPhone iOS 4.0.1 and iPad 3.2.1
Apple has just released iOS 4.0.1 for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. The free update fixes the issue with signal indication - the math formula to display the iPhone's service signal bars. Official changelog for iOS 4.0.1:
- Improves the formula to determine how many bars of signal strength to display
The updates for the iPad OS 3.2.1 are:
- Improved Wi-Fi connectivity
- Fixed an issue that could prevent copy and paste of single-page PDF attachments in Mail
- Addressed an issue that could cause video playback to freeze
- Improved reliability of video-out when using iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter
- Added Bing as an option for Safari's search field
You can get the update right now via these links:
Here is a screenshot of the new signal bars:
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Funny iPhone 4 antenna promo video
This video is made to look like an official Apple promo video, however it is certainly not. The topic is iPhone 4 antenna. Funny, take a look:
The iPhone 4 Has Been Unlocked
DevTeam hacker Planetbeing has just announced that the iPhone 4 has been successfully unlocked.
Looks like I now have an unlocked iPhone 4.
My soft-unlocked iPhone 4 (in Canada). I'll have video in a couple of hours once I can top-up the SIM.
DevTeam congratulated planetbeing in team's official twitter:
Congrats to @planetbeing for first ever soft-unlocked iPhone4 (now to streamline it!)
Musclenerd also mentioned one interesting fact:
We think we have 3 different ways to unlock once inside BB (the 3rd way was first to fully work for @planetbeing !)
Congratulations for accomplishing this in such a short time. The unlock will be publicly available shortly after comex releases his jailbreak utility for iOS 4.
New Fring For iPhone Has 3G Video Chat Support
Few days ago Fring released new update for their iPhone app. Now it supports multitasking and, what is more important, 3G video calling via front facing video camera. With new Fring you can make video calls to anyone who has the same app installed on his device (and that must not be necessarily iPhone).
9to5mac already tested this new function and found that the quality of video leaves much to be desired, though over WiFi it's a bit clearer (that is why Apple didn't make 3G support for FaceTime). In some situations video call over 3G didn't have any audio streaming, so the interlocutor could not be heard.
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Apple Unveiled Its New Store in Shanghai
Today Apple finally unveiled its new Apple Store in Shanghai. Though it will be officially opened on July 10, 9to5mac and already received photos of the building and it looks just amazing. More photos of the curtains going down process are shown below.
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Flash is ported to the iPad
Flash has been ported to the iPad. Unofficially of course. The project is called Frash and is basically a port of Adobe Flash runtime for Android running on iPad using a compatibility layer. Its coming from a well known iPhone hacker named comex.
The YouTube description of the video explains everything about the port as follows.
Frash is a port of the Adobe Flash runtime for Android to the iPhone, using a compatibility layer, by comex ( ). Frash can currently run most Flash programs natively in the MobileSafari browser. Frash currently only runs on the iPad, but support for other devices (3GS+ only due to technical restrictions) is planned, as well as support for iOS 4.
A release is planned for when Frash is stable. Developers are welcome to join the effort at – fork it and send a pull request with your patches.
Shot on an iPhone 4 and edited using iMovie on the phone.
Take a look at the video:
Unofficial iOS 4 for iPhone 2G is ready
iPhone 2G and iPod touch 1G do not officially support iOS 4. However there is a project called WhiteD00r that aims to bring iOS 4 functionality to iPhone 2G users with a custom firmware bundle.
This bundle is created by Matteo Morando and is based on firmware 3.1.3. It is built with PwnageTool. It incorporates several utilities to adds iOS 4 features such as multitasking, wallpaper, tethering, sms count, and more.
There are 3 different versions - Lite and Full for iPhone 2G and one for iPod touch 1G. Here is the complete feature list:
Take a look at video demo:
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Letter from Apple regarding iPhone 4 problems
Apple has published an official public letter of response to concerns about the iPhone 4 signaling problems. Some would say this is very nice and great. Others would complain this is just a cop out. Well, at least we see that Apple is aware of users' problems. Apple claims, that it's just a software problem of calculating how many bars of signal strength to display. Apple says there is no hardware problem.
Here it the full letter:
Dear iPhone 4 Users,
The iPhone 4 has been the most successful product launch in Apple’s history. It has been judged by reviewers around the world to be the best smartphone ever, and users have told us that they love it. So we were surprised when we read reports of reception problems, and we immediately began investigating them. Here is what we have learned.
Cheap Solutions for the Signal Problem
Some people think that Apple should be handing out free cases to keep its loyal customers from going on a strike. But no such thing happens, and most users are stuck with the only official solution to spend $30 on a bumper for their iPhone. However, what you need is just a little ingenuity.
Hulu Plus for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch released (video walkthrough)
Hulu officially announced their Hulu Plus service for iOS Devices. The application is available via AppStore for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. With Hulu users will be able to stream in HD entire current seasons of shows such as Glee, Modern Family, The Office and 30 Rock as well as the entire back library of many other shows, such as Arrested Development, The X-Files and Heroes. These can be viewed on TV, computer, iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch over Wi-Fi or 3G.
Below is a short walkthrough of the application:
1.7 million iPhone 4s sold in 3 days
According to Apple’s statement, the company has now sold 1.7 million iPhone 4s starting from Saturday, June 26 – the day of the official launch of the device.
Steve Jobs says,
This is the most successful product launch in Apple’s history. Even so, we apologize to those customers who were turned away because we did not have enough supply.
Come to think of it, it’s almost crazy: 1.7 million with not enough stock to satisfy those who turned up without any reservation, with ordering problems, a rather sluggish advertising campaign and a launch limited to just a couple of countries worldwide.
The iPhone 4 is indeed a something of a miracle.
Steve Jobs: iPhone 4 Signal Probem Is a 'Non Issue'
The problem of signal loss with the iPhone 4 is still on, and users have begun to address the company itself for more information. Is it a hardware or software problem? What is being done to fix it? Steve Jobs is very laconic about it: yes, the problem is there but this is a “non-issue” and you should just avoid holding it that way.
Sounds incredible, but there it is, Apple’s official statement.
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Twitter for iPhone now supports iOS 4
Keeping up with the times, the official Twitter application now supports iOS 4 in its latest build. The program can now run in the background, and you’ll be able to send twits while working with other applications. Nor will you have to start the application all over every time you want to check on the latest events.
The app is free and can be downloaded