News tagged ‘3G’
Here's what hackers say about new firmware iOS 4.0.1
Here's what hackers tweeted about new Apple firmwares 4.0.1 for iPhones and 3.1.2 for iPad:
As with *any* new FW, jailbreakers + unlockers must avoid this upcoming 4.1 update until our tools are updated
3GS, ipt3G, iPhone4 users (regardless of current FW or JB status) should backup 4..0 SHSH blobs soon
Obviously avoid today's 4.0.1 update until JB tools are updated. Luckily, no baseband change so ultrasn0w lives on
each FW version has unique blobs. But using you can get 4.0 blobs on PC while you stay at 3.1.2
Hah for those iPhone3G or ipt2g(non-MC) users at 4.1beta1: use redsn0w from 2 wks ago to JB
Apple releases new firmwares: iPhone iOS 4.0.1 and iPad 3.2.1
Apple has just released iOS 4.0.1 for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. The free update fixes the issue with signal indication - the math formula to display the iPhone's service signal bars. Official changelog for iOS 4.0.1:
- Improves the formula to determine how many bars of signal strength to display
The updates for the iPad OS 3.2.1 are:
- Improved Wi-Fi connectivity
- Fixed an issue that could prevent copy and paste of single-page PDF attachments in Mail
- Addressed an issue that could cause video playback to freeze
- Improved reliability of video-out when using iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter
- Added Bing as an option for Safari's search field
You can get the update right now via these links:
Here is a screenshot of the new signal bars:
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Old Wi-Fi-enabled iPhone Will Finally Go On Sale in China
According to The Wall Street Journal, last week Chinese Telecommunication Equipment Certification Center approved Wi-Fi enabled iPhone to be put on sale soon in China. The problem is that on the accompanying picture it is clearly seen that the approved device is the iPhone 3G or 3GS, but certainly not the iPhone 4.
Apple’s smartphone went on sale last year, but it was Wi-Fi disabled because technology's standard was temporarily banned by the Chinese government. In May 2009 the ban was relaxed.
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New Fring For iPhone Has 3G Video Chat Support
Few days ago Fring released new update for their iPhone app. Now it supports multitasking and, what is more important, 3G video calling via front facing video camera. With new Fring you can make video calls to anyone who has the same app installed on his device (and that must not be necessarily iPhone).
9to5mac already tested this new function and found that the quality of video leaves much to be desired, though over WiFi it's a bit clearer (that is why Apple didn't make 3G support for FaceTime). In some situations video call over 3G didn't have any audio streaming, so the interlocutor could not be heard.
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First music video filmed by iPhone 4
So now, when the iPhone 4 camera is proven to be good enough for shooting high-quality short films, Marty Martin and Steve Failows introduce first iPhone 4 music video. It is a clip for a song of Steve Failows, (also known as flakjakt) who wrote it only in two days. Two more days were needed to create a concept.
“Our main goal, however, was simply to make a good music video, no matter what the camera”.
The creators also told that there were troubles with aperture, shutter speed control and lightning, so it was obvious that there will not be enough abilities of iMovie. So the footage was worked out in Adobe After Effects and Final Cut Pro.
“Although the result was a bit rushed and rough, we ended up embracing the look and think that it helps translate emotion well onscreen”.
The iPhone Fashion Shoot By Lee Morris
You do not need high budget DSLR camera. You can make great pictures with almost anything, even Olympus.. even iPhone 3GS. Lee Morris performed a high-end fashion shoot, complete with sylists, make-up artists, and others. And all the images were captured with an iPhone 3GS.
iPhone 4 Unlock: first steps done
MuscleNerd and Planetbeing have made some good progress on the iPhone 4 unlock. Here is a twitter message from MuscleNerd:
Next step is to keep the task backgrounded like we did for 3G/3GS Backgrounded task is the unlock.
Good progress on iPhone4 unlock with @planetbeing: < -injected cmd! (Akin to on 3G)
This doesn't mean unlock is ready. These are just first several steps towards it. Take a look at screenshot and video below:
Jailbreak for all iOS 4.0 iDevices is coming
MuscleNerd, famous hacker from DevTeam, has announced via Twitter that an upcoming comex release will jailbreak all 4.0 devices. This will include latest iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, new iPod Touch and iPad.
jailbreak for all devices at 4.0 is already handled by upcoming @comex release
so, good time for iphone4 unlock stuff
Comex is also well-known, he authored the 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 jailbreak called Spirit. He's also recently demonstrated Frash, an upcoming release of Flash for the iPhone and iPad.
Signal issues is not a reason to forgo buying an iPhone 4
Several recent reports reveal that the antenna problem is not unique and can't be a serious reason not to buy the iPhone 4.
According to research group Consumer Reports the signal troubles are caused by human as in case with any other phone.
“Underplayed in the discussion is the fact that all phones are subject to interference from the human who is using them. And even if the alleged signal loss is real, there’s an absence of hard evidence that iPhone 4 reception is problematic compared to past iPhones; indeed there’s evidence of just the opposite”.
Flash is ported to the iPad
Flash has been ported to the iPad. Unofficially of course. The project is called Frash and is basically a port of Adobe Flash runtime for Android running on iPad using a compatibility layer. Its coming from a well known iPhone hacker named comex.
The YouTube description of the video explains everything about the port as follows.
Frash is a port of the Adobe Flash runtime for Android to the iPhone, using a compatibility layer, by comex ( ). Frash can currently run most Flash programs natively in the MobileSafari browser. Frash currently only runs on the iPad, but support for other devices (3GS+ only due to technical restrictions) is planned, as well as support for iOS 4.
A release is planned for when Frash is stable. Developers are welcome to join the effort at – fork it and send a pull request with your patches.
Shot on an iPhone 4 and edited using iMovie on the phone.
Take a look at the video:
Tethered iOS 4 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS with new bootrom
iH8Sn0w has successfully performed a tethered jailbreak for iPhone 3GS with new firmware iOS 4 and the new bootrom. Unfortunately this jailbreak requires users to have 3.1.2 SHSH blobs saved.
Alright... If anyone has their 3.1.2 SHSH blobs, NOT 3.1.3. Then I'll see if I can produce a tool that will do this job...
Here is a video demo posted by AKinGdom1:
The utility will be available soon. Might be as soon as tomorrow.
Letter from Apple regarding iPhone 4 problems
Apple has published an official public letter of response to concerns about the iPhone 4 signaling problems. Some would say this is very nice and great. Others would complain this is just a cop out. Well, at least we see that Apple is aware of users' problems. Apple claims, that it's just a software problem of calculating how many bars of signal strength to display. Apple says there is no hardware problem.
Here it the full letter:
Dear iPhone 4 Users,
The iPhone 4 has been the most successful product launch in Apple’s history. It has been judged by reviewers around the world to be the best smartphone ever, and users have told us that they love it. So we were surprised when we read reports of reception problems, and we immediately began investigating them. Here is what we have learned.
RedSn0w 0.9.5b5-5: iOS 4 jailbreak updated
DevTeam updated iOS 4 jailbreak utility redsn0w to version 0.9.5b5-5. That should fix any APN or MMS issues that users were seeing. It’s safe to re-run it on an already jailbroken iPhone without restoring. Just deselect "Install Cydia" if you do that.
Supported devices are still only iPhone3G and iPod Touch 2G (not MC)
You can download the latest version here.
Apple's internal iPhone 4 antenna troubleshooting guidelines leak
BGR have got internal Apple docs related to iPhone 4 antenna problems. So here's what Apple representatives are supposed to follow when you call about your reception troubles:
Hulu Plus for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch released (video walkthrough)
Hulu officially announced their Hulu Plus service for iOS Devices. The application is available via AppStore for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. With Hulu users will be able to stream in HD entire current seasons of shows such as Glee, Modern Family, The Office and 30 Rock as well as the entire back library of many other shows, such as Arrested Development, The X-Files and Heroes. These can be viewed on TV, computer, iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch over Wi-Fi or 3G.
Below is a short walkthrough of the application: