News tagged ‘screen’
Touchpad Elite [AppStore, Free]
Control your computer wirelessly with the multi-touch features of the new MacBook line!
For both Mac and Windows:
- Wireless touchpad
- PowerPoint clicker
- Control your media
- Multi-touch access to Task Switcher
- Automated discovery
Specially for Mac:
- Zoom your Mac screen
- Multi-touch access to Expose
No install required on Mac, although free modified Vine Server will give you access to media keys (Play/Pause, etc.). For Windows, free modified TightVNC server will also give you access to media keys.
The price is dropped for a limited time from $4.99 to $0. AppStore
TouchSports Tennis 09 [AppStore]
iPhone + rocket
Michael Koppelman is an iPhone developer and model rocket enthusiast. He decided that combining his two hobbies together would be a good idea. He created an app that constantly polled the iPhone’s GPS and accelerometers, logging them to a file and then transmitting the data from the GPS over the web so that the unit could be located if it became lost.
Here is a 3D plat with data from GPS:
More graphics and video:
VoxBot - make your iPhone talk [AppStore, Free]
VoxBot is a retro speech synthesis robot. Type in any text and VoxBot will say it out loud. App is free for a limited time. Normal price is $1.99. Here is AppStore
- It talks!
- Full screen retro oscilloscope display when VoxBot talks
- Easily create, test and edit phrases for VoxBot to say
- Store phrases for quick VoxBot wisdom in the phrase list
Fastlane Street Racing [AppStore]
Fake a call [AppStore, Free]
Stuck in another pointless meeting? Want to impress everyone, that Bill calls you? Use Fake-A-Call! With the tap of your finger or at a specified time, have that 'important client' give you a call. This application is free, maybe for a limited time Here is AppStore
Bluetooth hack
There is a project (
via ispazio
MMSender [AppStore]
Quite soon MMS will be avaliable for iPhone users via AppStore. The application is called MMSender. The
For now only users of
TouchTerm [AppStore, Free]
TouchTerm is a complete and fully-featured SSH terminal application, with an intuitive interface includes:
- Translucent UI support allows typing while using the entire screen for displaying terminal output
- Complete server, connection, and password management
- RSA/DSA public key authentication
- VT100 Terminal Emulation: Use top, screen, emacs, vi -- virtually any console application
- Wi-Fi and EDGE/3G support: access and administer your servers from anywhere
- Full special-key support including Ctrl, Esc, Tab, and arrow keys
- Landscape mode support, configurable font size and color
- A polished, iPhone-standard interface
This application is free for a limited time. The price dropped from $2.99 to 0. Here is AppStore
iPhone robot
This robot is made in Japan. The main part is a jailbroken iPhone 3G running some Ruby code. Other parts include an Arduino CPU, a TA7291P motor, and 4 AA batteries. The robot is controlled via WiFi from a nearby computer.
More pictures:
Keyboard for iPhone
Elastomania for iPhone [AppStore]
This Elastomania-type game will be avaliable in AppStore quite soon.
Related post:
Cooliris for iPhone [AppStore, Free]
Cooliris, the popular browser extension that revolutionizes the way you view media. Now it is available as an application for iPhone and iPod Touch. Cooliris makes finding news and search results a breeze by displaying them as an endlessly streaming 3D Wall, complementing the touch screen perfectly.
This application is free, avaliable via AppStore (
- 3D Wall makes finding and viewing content easy, and fun
- Discover provides you with news on-the-go: stay on top of the latest current events
- Get the full story: Read more inline without having to jump to the web browser
How to use:
- 1-Finger Swipe - Scroll the wall a screen length
- Pinch / Expand Wall - Zoom in/out
- Single Tap - Select Media or go full screen
- Tilt Wall - Scroll the wall by tilting the device left or right
- Press Title Bar Menu Button - Select the item to go one deeper
- Press Cooliris Logo - Go home
- Finger Swipe Submenu - Slide the sub-menu items to see more
- Click the Envelope - Share media via the default Mail Client
- Click the Metadata - Opens the containing page web page
- Click the 'i' Info icon - Shows/Hides the metadata panel
Watch the video:
AutoMangle: vehicular combat game [AppStore, Free]
AutoMangle is an addictive vehicular combat game. You can choose out of 4 vehicles with color customisation. Options allowing 192 different gameplay configurations.
There are health levels and configurable weapon options. The game also features deformable vehicle damage system and realistic physics.
The game is avaliable in AppStore. lite version is free (
Watch the video:
Shapium game [AppStore]
Shapium is a 2D version of
It is avaliable via AppStore for $0.99 (