Archive for February, 2010
Only 14% of users have upgraded the iPhone to Firmware 3.1.3
According to the statistics just 14% of iPhone users have updated the firmware to version 3.1.3.
In particular 72.3% are still using firmware 3.1.2, less than 1% - firmware 3.1.1 and 4.6% have previous versions yet. The reasons for this are probably from the fact that 3.1.3 is only a minor update. Another reason could be the uncertainty of the jailbreak.
A roundup of iPhone applications built with Flash CS5 [Video]
We have spoken several times about Flash CS5 that will allow to transform the Adobe Flash applications in real native iPhone apps ready to be distributed through the AppStore. This video shows a quick overview of everything that Flash developers will be able to:
The are many possibilities. The only limitation is the skill of the developer. You can create games using the accelerometer, a multitouch applications, apps with video, pictures or even Twitter. We are looking forward to Flash CS5 release.
Why Apple used VGA output on the iPad
iPad's announcement caused many people to wonder why Apple decided to use an ancient standard for video output rather than a more modern protocol, such as DisplayPort or HDMI output.
About ten years ago Apple changed Macs output from VGA to DVI standard that supported HD resolution displays and improved digital accuracy. Few years later Apple made another shift – from DVI to DisplayPort. So why Apple chose VGA output on the iPad? There are 2 main reasons:
- Most of the video projectors support the iPad’s resolution of 1024x768 over a VGA port.
- VGA is sufficient to handle the iPad’s resolution, and it is really cheaper and easier.
For more details – watch the video of Daniel Eran Dilger from the RoughDrafted Magazine:
iPhone 4G is claimed to have a taller form factor
iPhone repair site has posted photos of the parts for the iPhone 4G that will be released later this year.
As we can see, the most notable feature is a front panel, which is approximately 1/4” taller than the iPhone 3GS.
You can also notice the reflective surface on the new front panel that is located just above the earpiece slot. iResQ suggests it is a likely location for a proximity sensor, though that wouldn’t explain the need for the mirrored surface to be visible on the front of the device.
The LCD appears to be factory glued to the digitizer. This looks more like the iPhone 2G than the 3G or 3GS, as the latest versions have a digitizer that can be separated from the LCD. This means for us that the 4G screen repair prices will be much higher since both parts will have to be replaced at once.
PwnageTool 3.1.5 with Firmware 3.1.3 Support Released
The iPhone Dev-Team has released PwnageTool 3.1.5 for Mac OS X. It allows iPhone and iPod Touch users to safely upgrade to firmware 3.1.3. With PwnageTool you can preserve jailbreak and ultrasn0w unlock. But if you’re using the blacksn0w unlock with baseband 05.11.07 you will need to stay at firmware 3.1.2.
PwnageTool 3.1.5 creates a custom 3.1.3 IPSW for the following devices:
- iPhone 2G
- iPhone 3G
- iPhone 3GS with early bootrom
- iPod touch 1G
- iPod touch 2G with early bootrom
Warning! Don't try to use this tool if you have iPhone 3GS with firmware 3.1.3 - it just won't work. If you have iPod Touch 1G, iPhone 2G or factory unlocked iPhone 3G , try to use redsn0w - is would be much easier.
You can download PwnageTool 3.1.5. here.
Apple Could Lower iPad Pricing
Credit Suisse analyst Bill Shope recently met with Apple executives:
Apple wants the iPad to be the best device for a few key use cases. For instance, the company believes it could eventually be seen as superior to both handheld and notebook devices for browsing the Internet, using the App Store, and consuming mobile media (video, photos, and e-books). Nevertheless, in other areas, notebooks, the iPhone, or an iPod may be more appropriate. This clear segmentation of capabilities suggests that cannibalization may be less of a concern than most currently believe.
Shope writes about the price:
it remains to be seen how much traction the iPad gets initially, management noted that it will remain nimble (pricing could change if the company is not attracting as many customers as anticipated).
Sounds great. What do you think about $200 iPad? Would you buy one?
SD Card reader for iPhone
ZoomIt is the first SD card reader for the iPhone and iPod Touch. This peripheral together with ZoomIt application gives iPhone users the ability to load photos, music, PowerPoint, PDF and other files directly from SD card.
ZoomIt is a great way to extend iPhone's storage or simply backup photos during vacation. It will be available in April for $50.
iPhone games are more popular than those for Nintendo DS and Sony PSP
19 percent of all game developers are writing for the iPhone and iPod Touch, according to a new study from Game Developer Research. It is more than twice as high as for the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS and results in 3/4 of all mobile game developers writing for Apple’s gadgets.
Developers claim their choices of platform dictated by the level of market influence and ease of writing code. The cost of development and the ability to port code are important too.
The transition to the iPhone is evident through the number of ports. While many companies are producing original titles, games like Civilization Revolution and Assassin’s Creed series are actually Nintendo DS versions modified to use the touchscreen and the better performance of Apple’s devices.
Sn0wbreeze 1.4: New version of Windows Jailbreak utility
H8sn0w has just released the new version of Sn0wbreeze 1.4. Sn0wbreeze is a jailbreak utility with functionality similar to PwnageTool. The new version supports firmware 3.1.3 jailbreak for the following devices:
- iPhone 2G
- iPhone 3G
- iPhone 3GS - old bootrom
- iPod Touch 1G
- iPod Touch 2G - non MC
Sn0wbreeze is a Windows application, so Mac users have to wait for the upcoming release of PwnageTool by the DevTeam. Alternatively, both Mac and Windows users can use Redsn0w to run jailbreak (no custom firmware though).
You can download the new version of sn0wbreeze
MuscleNerd continues to argue that we should not use sn0wbreeze. Especially users who have unlocked their iPhone with blacksn0w utility:
Collection of iPad UI Conventions
Fraser Speirs posted a large collection of iPad UI conventions to help application designers. Most of them are from Apple promotional videos. The collection is viewable as a notated Flickr set. Here is the
Make Your Own Full Size Paper iPad
The iPad will be available for purchase in March. For those who don't want to wait Jess Silverstone put together a cut-out of the Apple iPad. Just print these images on a standard A4 paper (8.3 x 11.7 inches) and make your own iPad:
PwnageTool for firmware 3.1.3 will be released soon, but do not rush to upgrade
MuscleNerd, a member of the DevTeam, posted an interesting tweet. He claims that a new version of PwnageTool to jailbreak the Firmware 3.1.3 will be released soon.
However he also warns the owners of an iPhone 3G or 3GS, suggesting not rush for firmware update. In other words, the improvements of firmware 3.1.3 are minimal, so if you are comfortable with firmware 3.1.2 just stay with that.
One in five physicians will have an iPad in a year
A few days ago Epocrates Inc., the developer of mobile software for healthcare professionals, revealed a new study of more than 350 clinicians who were asked about their opinion about iPad. The results were stunning - 9% said they will buy an iPad when it will be available, another 13% plan to purchase one in the first year. That means that one in five physicians will likely have an iPad in a year.
Epocrates Inc. also announced that it intends to improve clinical reference applications so it could run on iPad.
By optimizing our software for the iPad, we are capitalizing on the larger screen real estate and interactivity provided by this sophisticated device. We are committed to providing the most productive experience at the point of care, keeping physicians informed and focused on the patient rather than searching for answers.
- said Epocrates SEO Rose Crane. The company's software has more than 275,000 subscribers among physicians in America and over 900,000 worldwide.
As time passes by, more hospitals look at potential of the iPad. One San Francisco program even aims to use tablets to provide charts, X-rays, notes and prescriptions to hospital workers at the touch of a finger. That looks like a whole new way of enforcing last technologies to make our life better.
The New Concept for iPad - a docking station
The new concept by Patrycjusz Brzezinski was released recently in the Internet. It is a docking station, which looks pretty similar to the bottom of an iMac. It would work good for the iPad, as with an Apple Bluetooth keyboard it could be used as a some kind of a touch enabled mini iMac. And if you suddenly need to go somewhere, just undock the iPad and put it in your bag. That's convenient.
Patrycjusz Brzezinski is also known for his previous concepts. The concept of "MacView", a tablet with a pair of touch screens in a slider design, was one of the most resonant. It is presented on the pictures below.
Arrington, Mossberg and Carr discuss the Apple iPad [Video]
On Thursday's night Charlie Rose show featured an interesting discussion with Michael Arrington, Walt Mossberg and David Carr about the upcoming Apple iPad.
Michael Arrington is known as the founder and co-editor of TechCrunch. Walt Mossberg writes 2 columns for the Wall Street Journal. David Carr works as a culture and media columnist for the New Your Times. The 25 minutes long coverage reveals some interesting opinions that are worth to hear: