Archive for April 18th, 2010
Recent iPhone 4G images are fake
Recently almost all Apple-related sites posted a story with new iPhone 4G photos. These photos have been proven to be fake. The device is actually a Japanese iPhone-clone.
UPDATE: Is it real?
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Reading books on iPad: iBooks vs Amazon Kindle
This video from CNet compares two iPad apps for book purchasing and reading - iBooks and Amazon Kindle:
iPhone 4G (iPhoneHD) pictures leaked
The story is quite strange. Someone found a future iPhone 4G (or iPhone HD) in a bar in San Jose. It was inside of an iPhone 3G case. The device has a front facing camera and 80GB of storage. It's not clear if this is definitely a production model, or just a prototype.
Fortunately the founder contacted engadget, so we have the photos: