
Apple's New iOS 8 Is Jailbreakable?

Good news for all jailbreakers - looks like Apple’s new iOS 8 is jailbreakable. According to what security expert Stefan Esser (aka i0n1c) has tweeted a couple of hours ago, the guys from Cupertino haven’t fixed the kernel bug used to jailbreak iOS-devices. This means that immediately after the public release of iOS 8 we may have a jailbreak for it.

Here’s what the hacker writes about the new version of the mobile operating system for iPhone and iPad:

Download finished. Initial tests show that iOS 8 beta does not fix anything. Dumped kernel fine, but code changed and patches are not found.

I guess tomorrow I need a few hours in the office to fix the code and then the JB should be iOS 8 beta compatible.

Only question is if Cydia runs at all in iOS 8.

Last month, i0n1c announced his jailbreak for iOS 7.1.1. Looks like the same utility will be able to hack the devices running iOS 8. However, I don’t think Esser or any other hacker will release a jailbreak for iOS 7.1.1 or iOS 8 now. You see, this may help Apple to fix the vulnerability used for jailbreaking. This is definitely not the thing we all need, right?

[via iClarified]

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2 Responses to 'Apple's New iOS 8 Is Jailbreakable?'

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  1. "Это значит, что сразу после официального релиза новой операционной системы в сети появятся утилиты для её джейлбрейка."
    Про iOS7 так же писали. В итоге слили зачем-то перед самым релизом 7.1.


    Nick Tarasenko Reply:

    Все надеются, что джейл выйдет. Но последнее слово остаётся за разработчиками. Поэтому такая неразбериха получается.



    4 Jun 14 at 3:45 pm

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