Archive for November 16th, 2014
Top 10 Stories of the Week
It is Sunday today, which means I should tell you about the most interesting stories of the past seven days. Let’s take a look at them right now.
Customers Show Strong Interest in Apple Pay - Retailers
According to the latest reports from U.S. retailers, the customers show strong interest in the recently-launched payments service created by the guys from Cupertino. This doesn’t mean that the number of users of the new system is currently immense; still, it is noticeably larger than the amount of people who adopted similar services from Google or other companies in the first weeks after their launch.
Martin Hajek Creates New iPhone Concepts [Images]
A well-known designer named Martin Hajek has recently created two new iPhone concepts. What is interesting about these concepts is that they feature immensely large top-to-bottom displays. Well, frankly speaking, because of such display, each handset looks a bit awkward, nevertheless, I believe you should take a look. The photos and the author’s description of the new iPhone concepts are available below.