QuickPwn updated to 1.2.0
QuickPwn for Windows is updated. Support for all 2.x firmwares is added. So now you can QuickPwn and jailbreak the device if it is running 2.0, 2.0.1 or 2.0.2.
DevTeam reminds that it is still beta software, so usual rules apply, no complaints if anything goes wrong and use the tool at at your own risk!
Using QuickPwn does not update the firmware itself, this tool is designed to ‘Pwn’ (the ability to install future custom non-Apple firmwares) , ‘Jailbreak’ and install Installer and/or Cydia on a given device. If your device is running 2.0.1 and you QuickPwn it, it’ll still be running 2.0.1, although it will now be Pwned and Jailbroken. It will also activate (not unlock) devices that are being used outside of their intended territories and cannot be activated using iTunes.
If you want to update to 2.0.2 then use the normal iTunes update to get to 2.0.2 and then use QuickPwn to Pwn, Jailbreak and Activate, remember that the 2.0.2 update includes a baseband update for the 3G iPhone, so depending what your long term intentions are for the phone, update wisely, of course in the upcoming PwnageTool application you’ll be able to create a custom ipsw without the baseband update enabled.
PS: Mac OS version is on it's way.