
Apple Granted Patent for Docking Station with Flexible Connector

Apple has been recently granted a patent for a brand new docking station for smartphones and tablets with a flexible connector inside, which makes the whole mechanism more durable and easy to use. The patent is entitled “Dock connector with compliance mechanism” and its number is 8.986.029. Below you may take a look at the rendering of the new docking station, which was included in the document filed by the guys in Cupertino last year.

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Written by Andrey

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015. 19:30

Apple Releases Fifth OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Beta to Developers and Public Beta Testers

Apple on Monday released the fifth OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 beta to developers public beta testers for testing. The release came just one week after the release of the fourth pre-release OS X version and about a month after the debut of the very first 10.10.3 beta.

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Written by Andrey

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015. 14:02

Images Showing Apple's New Wireless Keyboard Appear Online

A brand new wireless keyboard has been recently spotted on the official Apple Online Store in Czech Republic and Hungary. What is interesting about this keyboard is that it can boast of  backlight keys and a power button instead of the usual eject button for CDs. As can be see below, the new wireless keyboard has the same size and shape as the old one, however, the F5 and F6 buttons have been made responsible for adjusting the brightness of the backlight.

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Written by Andrey

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015. 13:58

Steve Wozniak Talks on Apple Watch and Apple Car

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was earlier this month interviewed by an Australia’s Financial Review magazine. He answered several question about the long-anticipated Apple Watch, which is expected to be released in April as well as about Apple’s plans to create its own electric self-driving car.

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Written by Andrey

Monday, March 23rd, 2015. 21:41

iOS 8.3 Features New iTunes and App Store Password Settings

Apart from Siri’s ability to make calls using iPhone’s speakerphone added to the latest iOS 8.3 beta, one beta-tester has recently noticed one more feature included to the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system. This feature is a new Setting tab called Password Settings. It allows user to configure the frequency of password entries in the iTunes and App Store as well as to let him download free apps without using the password. If you take a look at the screenshot below, you will see what exactly has changed in iOS 8.3.

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Written by Andrey

Monday, March 23rd, 2015. 21:15

Siri Now Jokes About Apple Watch and Its Release

Apple engineers have recently taught Siri how to respond to questions related to the Apple Watch and its release. As usual, they have decided not just to inform the users that the smartwatch will become available on April, 24. No. They’ve added some jokes in order to make Siri closer to actual human being. Below you may take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions about the Apple Watch and most popular Siri’s answers. All these things have been discovered by the French reporters from iGen.fr.

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Written by Andrey

Monday, March 23rd, 2015. 20:49

Top 10 Stories of the Week