
For Every Ten Apps That Developers Build, Seven Are Built For iOS


Ahead of the annual conferences of Apple and Google, analytics firm Flurry compared developer support for Android and iOS by analyzing data collected from over 70,000 companies and 185,000 mobile apps. Its findings show that for every 10 apps that are built by developers, seven are created for iOS (the graph bar above). The company also reports that Google and Apple have a joint market cap of nearly $750 billion.

In a blog post Flurry explained:

“While Google made some gains in Q1 2012, edging up to over 30% for the first time in a year, we believe this is largely due to seasonality, as Apple traditionally experiences a spike in developer support leading up to the holiday season. Apple’s business has more observable seasonality”.

Flurry also cited Apple’s iOS as the more attractive mobile platform to developers due to the Apple’s dominance on the tablet market. Its number shows that the iPad accounted for 88 percent of all user sessions in the 2012, while Galaxy Tab hold second place with 9 percent and Kindle Fire representing 3 percent.


The company has also calculated revenue generated by top iOS and Android apps. According to their estimates, for every 1 dollar per active user earned on iOS, a developer could earn 24 cents on Android.

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Written by maxim

Friday, June 8, 2012. 0:40

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