News tagged ‘Apple iPhone’
Just one more step until iPhone 4 unlock
MuscleNerd has announced via twitter that there is just one more step left to get iPhone 4 unlock. The team successfully run the unlock as a background task:
Full i4 bars with custom "steve" background task spitting out "One more thing" - all pieces in place:)
@davidamodt It means the "next step" demoed in has been reached, so now there's just 1 final step
BMW integrates iOS into its autos
It's all started with a basic support of iPhones and iPods in car audio system long ago. Now BMW plans to further integrate iOS in automobiles. So what can we expect in 2011 BMW autos? Check out the video below:
Geohot May Stop Producing His Tools for iPhone
Last Geohot's post on his blog reveals that he will not release any new tool for jailbreak or unlock in the near future. Moreover, he said that he misses those old days, when jailbreaking was a hard work to do:
“...Sorry, this post was probably a bad idea. Next time I won’t say anything. I miss when this blog was actually about technical things (I’ve been reacting too much to the feedback, which led it to the place it’s in now). I didn’t fully realize most of the current scene don’t care unless they are getting something. Now I do. It’s late tonight, I’ll think about what to do about this in the morning.
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New iPhone 4 Ads
Apple released new video ads for iPhone 4. Let's watch. The first one is called "Smile":
New Fring For iPhone Has 3G Video Chat Support
Few days ago Fring released new update for their iPhone app. Now it supports multitasking and, what is more important, 3G video calling via front facing video camera. With new Fring you can make video calls to anyone who has the same app installed on his device (and that must not be necessarily iPhone).
9to5mac already tested this new function and found that the quality of video leaves much to be desired, though over WiFi it's a bit clearer (that is why Apple didn't make 3G support for FaceTime). In some situations video call over 3G didn't have any audio streaming, so the interlocutor could not be heard.
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Chatroulette Clone Released for iPhone 4
New app has been released in iTunes Store - it's called iChatr and it mimics Chatroulette. As it uses the front facing camera to create random video chat, the app is currently available only for iPhone 4 users.
So if you want to meet new person in your life, just use iChatr. The only problem is that developers for some reasons didn't make support for iPhone's speakers, so you'll need to use headphones.
You can download iChatr for free
UPDATE: video test after the break.
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Page said Jobs rewrites history
This Thursday Larry Page and Eric Shmidt (one of Google founders and its current CEO respectively) gave an interesting interview at the Allen & Co. conference.
According to Reuters, Page said that Jobs' opinion about animosity between Apple and Google that was caused by the latter (because it was Google that decided to compete with the iPhone by creating Android mobile platform) is "a little bit of rewriting history".
"We had been working on Android a very long time, with the notion of producing phones that are Internet enabled and have good browsers and all that, because that did not exist in the market place. I think that characterization of us entering after is not really reasonable."
Shmidt also added there are no "zero-sum games, which are battles to death", as the market is large enough for Google and Apple to thrive. Besides, Google still remains to be an important strategic partner for Apple by being the default search provider and powering Maps and Youtube application on all iOS devices.
Some thoughts on Apple's future products
Well-known blogger Jonny Evans from ComputerWorld posted yesterday an interesting article where he analyzed some of recent trends in Apple's success and made few conclusions about the company's next steps. Here is a short list of it:
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How to edit iPhone 4 videos with iMovie
New rumors on next-gen iPod touch
John Lewis from received new rumors from his suppliers about next-gen iPod touch. Here is a list of innovations that will be likely added to the new device:
- FaceTime support;
- 5-megapixel camera;
- front-facing camera;
- LED flash;
- Ability to capture video in HD;
- support for iOS4;
- gyroscope (to be precisely, he said the device "will also offer the same movement sensors as the iPhone 4").
As we see, new iPod touch will be pretty much the same as the new iPhone (but without phone functions, of course). The new device will be probably presented on the next Apple's music event in September.
First music video filmed by iPhone 4
So now, when the iPhone 4 camera is proven to be good enough for shooting high-quality short films, Marty Martin and Steve Failows introduce first iPhone 4 music video. It is a clip for a song of Steve Failows, (also known as flakjakt) who wrote it only in two days. Two more days were needed to create a concept.
“Our main goal, however, was simply to make a good music video, no matter what the camera”.
The creators also told that there were troubles with aperture, shutter speed control and lightning, so it was obvious that there will not be enough abilities of iMovie. So the footage was worked out in Adobe After Effects and Final Cut Pro.
“Although the result was a bit rushed and rough, we ended up embracing the look and think that it helps translate emotion well onscreen”.
Photos of white iPhone 4 with bumpers
In addition to white iPhone 4 pictures here are several photos of iPhone 4 with many different colorful bumpers:
White iPhone box unveiled (photos)
This it is. The long waited white iPhone 4 with full packaging.
Thanks to our colleagues from Japan here is a nice gallery with many pictures:
The iPhone Fashion Shoot By Lee Morris
You do not need high budget DSLR camera. You can make great pictures with almost anything, even Olympus.. even iPhone 3GS. Lee Morris performed a high-end fashion shoot, complete with sylists, make-up artists, and others. And all the images were captured with an iPhone 3GS.
Apple Unveiled Its New Store in Shanghai
Today Apple finally unveiled its new Apple Store in Shanghai. Though it will be officially opened on July 10, 9to5mac and already received photos of the building and it looks just amazing. More photos of the curtains going down process are shown below.
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